another man joins each end if the rope Dose this affect the results of the tug of war if not why or why not


Answer 1
Answer: Yes it does because it depends on how strong the man is on either end of the rope
Answer 2

Final answer:

The addition of another person at each end of the rope does not affect the results of the tug of war.


The addition of another man at each end of the rope does not affect the results of the tug of war because the forces exerted by each individual are independent of each other.

In a tug of war, the force applied by each person depends on their individual strength and the technique used to pull the rope.

The total force exerted on the rope is the sum of the individual forces, and it remains the same regardless of the number of people at each end.

Learn more about Tug of war here:

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Active transport requires energy to move molecules across a cell membrane because it goes against the natural concentration gradient

What is active transport?

Because active transport works against the natural concentration gradient, which moves molecules from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration, it requires energy to move molecules across a cell membrane.

To transfer molecules down their concentration gradient (from high to low concentration), passive transport methods like diffusion and assisted diffusion, which don't require energy, are in contrast.

Learn more about active



Active transport requires energy because it is not a passive process. The molecule has to go against the concentration gradient. Hence it requires energy to be carried by the carrier proteins.

The energy is used is ATP, which comes from respiration  

An extended spring stores


Elastic potential energy


An extended spring stores elastic potential energy.

An elastic potential energy is the energy stored in an elastic object when force is applied to deform it.

  • This energy is the same as the work done in stretching a spring
  • It is a function of the spring constant or stiffness and the distance through which the spring is stretched.
  • The elastic potential energy is stored between bonds in substances.
  • It causes them to temporarily be deformed by there is a restoring force bringing them back together again.

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Food is moved from the mouth to the stomach by what


Food is moved from the mouth to the stomach by the esophagus, which is the tube that connects those two elements and goes down your throat.
Hope that helped =)
The food is moves from the food to the stomach by the esophogous

What are the functions of pharynx


There are basically 3 types of pharynx- nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx.
The function of the pharynx are:-
1. To transport the food from mouth to esophagus. 
2. To warm, moisten and filter the air, before it moves to the trachea, and then to the bronchi, the bronchioles, the alveoli and at last to the lungs.
    Therefore, pharynx(or throat) is a part of both- digestive and respiratory systems.
3. It is also important for vocalization. 

The pharynx acts as a passageway for food on its way to the stomach and for air en route to the lungs.
The pharynx is the part of the alimentary canal immediately behind the mouth.PharynxThe pharynx, or throat, is the passageway leading from the mouth and nose to the esophagus and larynx. The pharynx permits the passage of swallowed solids and liquids into the esophagus, or gullet, and conducts air to and from the trachea, or windpipe, during respiration. The pharynx also connects on either side with the cavity of the middle ear by way of the Eustachian tube and provides for equalization of air pressure on the eardrum membrane, which separates the cavity of the middle ear from the external ear canal. The pharynx has roughly the form of a flattened funnel. It is attached to the surrounding structures but is loose enough to permit gliding of the pharyngeal wall against them in the movements of swallowing. The principal muscles of the pharynx, involved in the mechanics of swallowing, are the three pharyngeal constrictors, which overlap each other slightly and form the primary musculature of the side and rear pharyngeal walls.