During world war 2 , which of the following pairs were axis nations?


Answer 1
Answer: It is most likely Japan and Germany or Germany and Italy

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B. As civilian morale sank, governments progressed from issuing propaganda tocontrollingandnews about the war.


I believe that the question is about the First World War.

When the morale sunk, the government was actually dealing with people who opposed war effort, so you could say"controlling dissent". Further, they would control all the news about the war and remove things they didn't like, so they censored the news about the war.

("dissent and censoring" )

why did Lincoln need a military Victory before he could announce the emancipation of slaves and Southern States


The reason why Lincoln needed a military Victory before he could announce the emancipation of slaves and Southern States is because he didn't want to make it seem like he was desperate--in that freeing the slaves wasn't a "last ditch" effort against the South. 


On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln issues a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which sets a date for the freedom of more than 3 million enslaved in the United States and recasts the Civil War as a fight against slavery.

When the Civil War broke out in 1861, shortly after Lincoln’s inauguration as America’s 16th president, he maintained that the war was about restoring the Union and not about slavery. He avoided issuing an anti-slavery proclamation immediately, despite the urgings of abolitionists and radical Republicans, as well as his personal belief that slavery was morally repugnant. Instead, Lincoln chose to move cautiously until he could gain wide support from the public for such a measure.

In July 1862, Lincoln informed his cabinet that he would issue an emancipation proclamation but that it would exempt the so-called border states, which had slaveholders but remained loyal to the Union. His cabinet persuaded him not to make the announcement until after a Union victory. Lincoln’s opportunity came following the Union win at the Battle of Antietam in September 1862. On September 22, the president announced that enslaved people in areas still in rebellion within 100 days would be free.

On January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the final Emancipation Proclamation, which declared “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebel states “are, and henceforward shall be free.” The proclamation also called for the recruitment and establishment of Black military units among the Union forces. An estimated 180,000 African Americans went on to serve in the army, while another 18,000 served in the navy.

I hope this helps! :)))))))


Which of the following statements best describes the role of the Catholic Church in the European conquest of Latin America?


A is the wrong continent B and C are wrong because the Catholic Church was greedy for power and money. So it has to be D. #TeamAlvaxic


Catholic missionaries converted large numbers of the native populations, and the Catholic Church owned a substantial amount of property.

Match the reformer in column a to his or her contribution to the Reformation movement in column b.Column A
John Wycliffe
Elizabeth I
Martin Luther

Column B
1. offered tolerance to Catholics as long as they showed loyalty to the English monarch

2. questioned the rightful extent of the pope’s religious authority

3. translated religious scripture into a language common people could understand


Elizabeth Ioffered tolerance to Catholics as long as they showed loyalty to the English Monarch. Her reign was characterized for being lenient with Catholics as Elizabeth I opposed to the religious persecutions and sought harmonic coexistence between Protestants and Catholics.

Martin Luther questioned the rightful extent of the Pope's religious authority. Luther's theology opposed to the authority of the Pope alleging that the only source of divine knowledge from God was the teaching of the Bible.

John Wycliffetranslated religious scripture into a language common people could understand. He was an English scholastic philosopher and theologian that in 1382 succeeded in translating the Bible from Vulgate, a version of Latin, to vernacular language. The translation came to be known as Wycliffe's Bible.

As long as Catholics remained devoted to the English Monarch, Elizabeth I was willing to tolerate them. Martin Luther questioned whether the Pope had the proper amount of religious authority. John Wycliffe translated sacred texts into a language that laypeople might comprehend.

What do you know about Reformation movement?

The Reformation, also known as the Protestant Reformation or the European Reformation, was a significant movement within Western Christianity in 16th-century Europe that posed a religious and political challenge to the Catholic Church,

particularly to papal authority, as a result of what were perceived as errors, abuses, and discrepancies by the Catholic Church. The Reformation marked the beginning of Protestantism and the division of the Western Church into Protestantism and what is now the Roman Catholic Church.

It is also regarded as one of the occurrences that marked the end of the Middle Ages and the start of the early Modern era in Europe.

Learn more about Reformation movement, from :



Which element of the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference is believed to have planted a seed for World War II?a. Palestine became a British colony under the Allied Supreme Council's mandate concerning Ottoman territories

b. New nations emerged from Austria-Hungary and from the independence of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.

c. Germany was disarmed, forced to accept full liability for the war, and stripped of its colonies

d. The United States weakened the harsh penalties against Germany to foster trade with them after the war


The main element of the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference is believed to have planted a seed for World War II was Germany was disarmed, forced to accept full liability for the war, and stripped of its colonies.

What was the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference?

Versailles Paris Peace Conference is also known as Paris Peace conference, It was the formal meeting in 1919 and 1920 of the victorious Allies, happened after the World war I. it held to established peace in post world war I era.  32 countries diplomats' involved in Versailles Peace conference. it impose certain sanction on losing nation , this treaty required  German Government to surrender approximately 10 percent of its pre-war territory in Europe and all of its overseas possessions.   Later this reason become the one of the causes of second world war. it also led to establishment of League of nation.

What was the World War II?

World War II was the war between Allied and Axis Power. It was started in  1939 when Nazi Germany attack on Poland and Great Britain declared war on Germany and it was ended in 1945 with the death of Hitler. It was six year long battle and this conflict would take more lives and destroy more land and property around the globe than any previous war.

cause of World War II

They include the impact of the Treaty of Versailles following WWI,

The worldwide economic depression,

Failure of appeasement,

The rise of militarism in Germany and Japan.

The failure of the League of Nations.

What is mean by Disarmed ?

Disarmed is  term which refer to a condition of no Arm production, no new invention of arms or destroy Arms which a country have. this term was popularised in cold war era. The purpose of Disbarment was to prevent arms race between two block.

What is means by Liability?

A liability is something that is owed to somebody else. here liability is use for Germany. after World War I Germany found Guilty for its deeds That's why In the Versailles peace conference, some sanction was impose on Germany. Germany was obliged to pays amount of destruction.

hence option C is correct

to learn more about  1919 Versailles Peace Conference here;




Germany was disarmed, forced to accept full liability for the war, and stripped of its colonies.


Plato/ Edmentum users this is the answer^

Which best describes how slaves were regarded in the South in the pre-Civil War years?A) as equal to whites
B) as unskilled workers
C) as valuable property
D) as fellow humans
E) as a nonrenewable resource


The correct answer for this question is C. In the pre-Civil War years slaves were regarded as valuable property. They were sold for money to other slave-owners in the south without any regard for their humanity or right to a free life. Their health and skills were considered, but only in the context of whether this added to or took away from their value.
The answer is "as valuable property". This is definitely the correct answer.