Why would it be easy for slave traders to illegally bring slaves into the united states from islands in the Caribbean


Answer 1
Answer: it would be easy because they could use trade ships with hidden compartments in the boat.

i hope i could help

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I was hoping that some options would be given for choosing the right answer. As there are no options given, so it has to be answered from research or knowledge. I hope the answer comes to your help. One driver of the economy of Russia is its energy, many of which is exported. Russia actually accounts for 12 percent of the global energy output.

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Who is Andrew Carnegie ?

Andrew Carnegie is Scottish-born American industrialist . In the 19th century, Carnegie oversaw the growth of the American steel industry and rose to become one of the wealthiest people in history. He rose to prominence as a philanthropist both in the British Empire and the United States.

He sold his steel business to J.P. Morgan for $480 million. After retiring from business, Carnegie started making serious efforts to divide his riches.

He supported thousands of church organs in the United States and other countries in addition to sponsoring libraries. In his chosen nation and many others, Carnegie's fortune contributed to the establishment of several colleges, schools, charitable organizations, and associations.

The founding of various trusts or institutions bearing his name, such as the Carnegie Institution for Science, the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, and the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, was his greatest financial and lasting contribution.

To learn more about Andrew Carnegie



Andrew Carnegie. A Scottish american industrialist who was named one of the richest american ever in the 19 century.

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How does money make the world change?


It makes it so people have to earn and work for what they get
Money literally makes the world go round. If we didn't have money people wouldn't have a clue how to function properly anymore. How would we pay for healthcare, food or gas? Not with trade because you have to buy things to trade with money.