China and Japan battled for control of _____. Africa Korea Russia Germany


Answer 1
Answer: korea because both places could use it in a war against the other

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Which of the following happened first? a. The mountains of Southern Asia and Europe begin to form.
b. The formation of Pangaea.
c. The Appalachian Mountains begin to form.
d. The North Atlantic Ocean begins to form.


The Appalachian Mountains begin to form.


Out of the four geological events, the one the occurred the first was the formation of the Appalachian Mountains. This mountain range started to form around 480 million years ago. Initially the area was consisted of lowlands, but the geological activity changed, so the once stable and quiet area, started to be geologically highly active.

A subduction zone formed near the location of what are now the Appalachian Mountains, so gradually the terrain started to lift up. At its peak, these mountains were as high as the Alps, being located in the central part of the later emerging super-continent of Pangaea. Once the geological activity calmed down, the erosion started to play a big role, and the Appalachians started to lose on elevation because of all of the sediment that has been stripped of them.

Some characteristics of the Appalachians are:

  • They formed in the Ordovician
  • They were the longest and highest mountain range in the world during their peak
  • They are the oldest existing mountain range in the world
  • They are the most dominant physical feature in the eastern part of North America

Learn more about Pangaea


Which statement best explains the relationship between new forms of entertainment in the 1920s and the fads of the era?


Due to the information technologies of the 1920s, such as television and radio helped to spread the fads of the era. In such easy and rapid way people learnt to exhange information.

The availability of radio and film helped spread the word about new fads.

How did the slave masters make sure the slaves worked hard?


The masters make the slaves a lot of work, and would beat them if they didn’t work hard enough. The masters would always treat them badly and would make them work in the very morning basically, never give them enough sleep. If they were lucky they would get food but most of the time they wouldn’t. They could be separated from their families and would always have to ask their master for almost everything. They would make them work in salt like step in salt. They would have cuts and that would hurt their feet and make it like, sting kind of feeling. Overall, it’s pretty tough to live through that, and if they tried leaving from their masters they would of either escaped or would’ve been brung back and beat.

The name of the first Spanish mission in East Texas established by Father Massanet was_________



San Francisco De Los Tejas


Begun in 1690 as a response to the La Salle expedition.

What was the relationship between the scientific revolution and the enlightenment?


First Similarity: The scientific revolution was the creation of modern science, and scientific study.It occured between 1500s and 1600s,and was caused by the Renaissance.The Enlightenment was where every political,social and economic problem would be solved through the use of reason.

The scientific revolution contributed to the progress, reason, and fraternal aspects of the enlightenment, providing the philosophical tools necessary to debunk long-held superstitious and religious beliefs (producing a secular body of reasoned work and creating a network of scientific societies). It collaborated in theoretical fields and in the application of the new discoveries.

The Enlightenment was characterized by a feeling that humanity could change the world. Knowledge served humanity, not religion, and the ideas of original sin and asceticism declined.

The Scientific Revolution represents the change from antiquity to modernity (the period in history where the science replaced superstition).