Which of these statements does not accurately describe mesopotamia


Answer 1
Answer: It has remains of the great ice sheets
Answer 2

The Answers are:

Herding was important in the grasslands where the tough grass roots made farming difficult.

Farmers and herders helped each other by trading goods.

Early farmers invented a simple spade and (this word is deemed inappropriate) to make their work easier.

I hope this helps!

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Administering an aversive stimulus following an operant response is



Administering an aversive stimulus following an operant response is positive punishment.


In operant conditioning, punishment is a strategy used to decrease the appearance of a behavior, contrary to a reinforcement, that aims to increase the apperance of a behavior.

Punishment can be either positive or negative, and although positive punishment may sound like a contradiction, in conditioning, positive doesn't refer to something good just like negative doesn't refer to something bad. Positive punishment means that a undesired or aversive stimulus is added to a behavior, a punishment is added in order to avoid the behavior or response.

Meanwhile, a negative punishment means that a desired stimulus is taken away as a punishment and as a way to avoid a behavior or response.

United Farm Workers leader who has been called a “saint” by admirers


The correct answer for this question is this one: "Cesar Chavez." Cesar Chavez is a United Farm Workers leader who has been called a “saint” by admirers. He was an American farm worker, labor leader and civil rights activist, who, with Dolores Huerta, co-founded the National Farm Workers Association.

Analyze the extent to which political and economic changes reshaped american society between 1820 and 1848?


yall are dumb, yeehaw


19th century, is considered to be the time period between January 1, 1801 according to the Gregorian calendar days of December 31, 1900.
Portugal, and China started to collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Mughal and the Holy Roman Empire ended.
After the Napoleonic Wars, the British Empire, one quarter of the world population, the area has become the world's leading power as the dominant one in three. "Pax Britannica" (British peace) period, has provided the incentive to trade in the world with serious measures against piracy. 19th century but also in the positive sciences, together with new inventions and discoveries has been the scene of a serious breakthrough. Medicine, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, electrical and fundamentals of rapid technological innovation in areas such as metallurgy has taken the next century.
Railways began with the urbanization movement in many countries from the start of the industrial revolution, transport and all major cities of the world population, this period has exceeded one million. Developments in the medical field has been also effective herein. The world's remaining undiscovered regions (except for places difficult to reach Antarctica and the Arctic) was discovered and has been instrumental in the world to reveal the precise and detailed map in the 1890s.
This century has caused a rapid decline to live in slavery. British Empire after the Haitian slave revolt, using the rule of the sea and tried to stop the slave trade worldwide. Britain in 1834, the United States, following the civil war in 1865, while Brazil abolished slavery in 1888. Likewise, put an end to slavery in the territory of Russia.

I am a canal that allows passage from the pacific to the Caribbean Sea. I am almost on the souther tip of North America. What canal I'm I


Panama Canal is the answer I'm pretty sure

Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to suggest that almost all humans are genetically predisposed to


Answer: Almost all humans form close lasting relationships with fellow humans


This is so because lead psychologists believe that the desire to belong is a basic human need to create and maintain a minimum amount of quality lasting, positive, deep, and significant interpersonal ties.

Satisfying this need requires firstly that the individual interacts frequently with the same individuals positively

And also engaging in these interactions within the limits of a long-term, stable care and support.

Despite the temptation and thrill of changing romantic partners or meeting new people, the need for some long lasting, caring interactions with a few people is of a greater importance.

Final answer:

Evolutionary psychologists suggest that humans are genetically predisposed to behaviors crucial for survival and reproduction, such as parental care, social bonding, and avoidance of danger. These behaviors are typically universal across cultures, pointing to a genetic basis. Examples include fear of snakes and spiders, and a preference for high-calorie foods.


Evolutionary psychologists suggest that humans are genetically predisposed to a range of behaviors that have been instrumental to survival and reproduction throughout our evolutionary history. This includes the intense protective feelings parents have towards their children, the desire to form social bonds and cooperate with others, and the instinct to avoid dangerous situations. These behaviors tend to be universal across cultures, indicating a strong genetic basis.

For example, humans are generally predisposed to fear snakes and spiders, which is believed to be an evolutionary adaptation that helped our ancestors to avoid potentially deadly encounters. We are also predisposed to seek out high-calorie foods, which was helpful for survival in environments where food was scarce, even though it may lead to obesity in our current food-rich environments.

This is a simplification of the complex ideas involved in evolutionary psychology, and there is much more to this field, but it should give you a decent starting point for understanding these concepts.

Learn more about Evolutionary Psychology here:



Which type of fault has motion that occurs in a sideways fashion?A. normal
B. reverse
C. transform
D. normal and reverse


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "C. transform." The type of fault that has motion that occurs in a sideways fashion is the transform. Its motion clearly blends with the sideways fashion of the fault.

The answer is C. transform