If a runner completes a 10 kilometer race in 32.50 minutes, what is the 10.0 km pace in miles per hour? (1.609 km = 1 mile approximately)


Answer 1
Answer: If a runner completes a 10 km race in 32.5 minutes, his pace or speed can be calculated by the equation:

velocity = distance/time = 10km/32.5 mins = 0.3125 km/min

Convert this value to miles per hour using the conversion factors for minutes to hours and kilometers to miles as requested by the problem. This gives an answer of 11.47 miles per hour.

0.3125 km/min x 60 mins./ 1 hour x 1 mile / 1.609 km = 11.47 miles/hour

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Atomic emission spectra are produced when the light emitted by an element passes through a prism. Which of the following statements is true regarding these spectra?A. All elements produce the same atomic spectra.
B. Elements produce continuous spectra.
C. Elements produce spectra with only a few distinct lines.


Option C: elements produce spectra with only few distinct lines.

The spectra are not continuos and are different for every element. This permits to identify elements.

Final answer:

Atomic emission spectra are unique to each element and consist of distinct lines representing different energy levels.


The correct statement regarding atomic emission spectra is option C: Elements produce spectra with only a few distinct lines.

  1. The spectra produced by different elements are unique to each element, meaning that they have distinct patterns of lines.
  2. These lines represent the different energy levels that electrons can occupy within the atom.
  3. The specific pattern of lines in an atomic emission spectrum can be used to identify the element present in a sample of unknown composition.

Learn more about Atomic emission spectra here:



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the correct answer would be false

The answer is True, I've taken this test.

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=2400 milliliters

centiliters is 2400mL= 240.0000cl. 

2.4(10^3) To the power off  



=2400 milliliters

To centiliters is 2400mL= 240.0000cl.

Cl= Centiliters

How does the equilibrium change to counter the removal of A in this reaction? A + B ⇌ AB


 To counter the removal of A  the  equilibrium  change by shifting toward the left


If the  reaction  is at equilibrium  and we   alter  the condition a new equilibrium  state   is created

  The  removal  of   A led to the shift of equilibrium  toward the left since  it led to  less  molecules  in reactant side  which favor the backward  reaction.(  equilibrium  shift to the left)

For Plato users :

The equilibrium SHIFTS LEFT. Simultaneously, there’s an increase in the REVERSE reaction.

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B.They can only be formed by decay of swamp plants.

C.They take millions of years to form.

D.They can only be formed deep under the sea.


The answer is: C. They take millions of years to form.

Fossil fuel is a fuel formed by anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms.

If there was oxygen the organic matter would not decomposed and formed oil and gas, because there would be reaction of oxidation.

The age of the organisms and their resulting fossil fuels is typically millions of years

Fossil fuel is mixture (solution) consist of several different hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes...), aromatic compounds.

c. they take millions of years to form