Pioneer plant species could be described as those that


Answer 1
Answer: Pioneer plant species are the first species in an area that has little to no soil. For example, lichens and mosses are pioneer species that grow in rocky areas. They break down the rock, and the organic matter from when they die helps create the fertile soil that other plants need to grow.
Hope I helped! :) Good luck.

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What is the role of DNA in transmitting genetic information? Describe DNA’s important genetic role in a few sentences below.



DNA is responsible for traits.

A section of DNA that codes for a specific trait is called a gene.

Half of your DNA comes from each parent.

Your traits are a combination of your parents’ traits.

DNA is the blueprint for proteins, which play many roles in the body.


Information to include in your answer on edge 2020

DNA is the molecule which holds the Genetic Information , it's like the blueprint for how the body will be built, you can call it the book of life. 

DNA is like a book written in a 4-letters-language, each three letter (Codon) can form a word , and these words can form sentences (Genes). And like any other type of sentences they contain some words which are not necessary (Introns) and crucial words (Exons). Moreover like any book, some chapters are not that necessary (Noncoding DNA). 

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Answer: they consist of sugar molecules in RNA or you could define it as the deoxyribose that consists in DNA

Explanation: my answer be original


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Motor end plates are associated with muscle contraction definitely, and I would say also neuron transmitter, although I'm not sure about that one.

axon muscle contraction and transmitter chemicals

Which statement is evidence used to support the endosymbiotic theory


correct-mitochondira and chloroplasts contain their owm DNA

wrong-mitochondria and chloroplasts are surrounded by one membrane

wrong-mitochondria and chloroplasts reproduce similar to eukaryotic cells: through mitosis

what are the following statement answers after that question?

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Homologous structures refer to structures that have similar characteristics in terms of morphology, anatomy, genetics, and embryology yet still different when their functions are concerned. On the other hand, analogous structures are those organisms that have similar lifestyle because they live in the same habitat yet they belong in different groups.

In seed plants the sperm make it to the egg via


I think it's...
The sperm (male nucleus) goes through the pollen tube via micropyle
to fuse with the female nucleus.