What would happen to the moon if earth stopped exerting the force of gravity on it?


Answer 1
Answer: There are two equal forces of gravity between the Earth and the Moon.
One force pulls the Moon toward the Earth.
The other force pulls the Earth toward the Moon.

If only this gravity suddenly switched off, then the moon would
continue to orbit the Sun, very much as it does now.

If ALL gravity suddenly switched off, then . . .

-- the Moon would stop orbiting the Earth and would sail away, in
a straight line and at the speed it had when gravity disappeared;

-- the Earth would stop orbiting the Sun and would sail away, in
a straight line and at the speed it had when gravity disappeared;

-- all the gases surrounding the Earth ... which we call "air" ... would
start drifting away, and expanding into a giant cloud of gas, and stop
being an atmosphere;

-- the Sun would completely fall apart, expand into a giant cloud of gas,
and stop being a star.
Answer 2
Answer: The moon will stop orbiting and will fly away and never stop running

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Evaporation: Large amounts of water evaporates from the Earth's ________, _______, __________ every day. The water vapor (evaporation) becomes part of the ________.


my guesses would be 


Possible answers:




Most of the air's moisture evaporates from rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. Water at the surface of the Earth evaporates into water vapor, which rises into the sky and forms clouds, which eventually release water back onto Earth as precipitation.

There are 2 questions :)How did warm, moist air turn into a cloud?

Explain the specific conditions in the area that lead to that specific type of precipitation?


I can answer the first question: Water rises because of the sun's heat and turns into water vapor. After that, it gathers up and forms a cloud. When the cloud is filled enough with vapor, precipitation occurs.
For the first question, evaporation is when water evaporates and rises into the air, causing condensation, which turns warm and moist air into a cloud.
For the second question, if it were to precipitate in an area that is low in elevation, there would be no snow, sleet, or hail. There would only be raining, although not a lot. An example of these places is the desert (like Death Valley). If it were to precipitate in an area that is high in elevation, then it would be a different matter altogether. It would rain frequently, and it would also snow. There may also be sleet or hail. An example of these places would be the mountains (like Big Bear Mountain or something). Finally, if it is a level area and is near sea level, than it would neither precipitate frequently or almost never, it would just be like maybe it rained today, and we may not have any more rain for a month, or maybe it might unexpectedly rain for another 5 days in a row. You know what I mean? An example for these places is... let's say Irvine.
I hoped this helped you and have a great day!

What is an example of frequency


'Frequency' is a word that often confuses some people ... for no good reason.
It just means "frequent-ness" or "often-ness" ... how often something happens.

The SI unit of frequency is the Hertz (Hz).  Hz means 'per second'.
So  " 13 Hz "  means  13 per second.

Here are examples of frequency:

-- 780 kilohertz (on your AM radio dial)
-- 98.7 Megahertz (on your FM dial)
-- 5.8 Gigahertz
-- twice a day
-- three per week
-- every 6 months

For example 75 Hertz means that there are 75 wave tops per second in for example a radio signal.

What is the weight of an 1000 gram mass


That depends on where you weigh it.

-- On Earth, it weighs 9.807 newtons (2.205 pounds).

-- On the moon, it weighs 1.623 newtons (5.84 ounces).

-- On Jupiter, it weighs 24.79 newtons (5.57 pounds).

BTW ... 1,000 grams of mass is called ' one kilogram '.

Well first and foremost, we can see that the problem gives us the mass in grams, which is a metric unit. And as such, we will want to solve for the metric unit of weight, the Newton.

In order to solve for weight, one must first realize what weight is. Weight is simply the force that the earth (or any given celestial being the object resides on) is applying to the object, to keep it pulled down. So weight is force.

Newton's second law of motion states that Force is equal to mass times acceleration. Mass is 1,000 grams, but one must keep in mind that a Newton is a kilogram times meter per second^2, so we want to convert our mass to kilograms. 1,000 grams is equal to 1 kilogram. Now we have our mass.

Next is acceleration. As stated earlier, weight is the force that gravity applies on an object, so acceleration must then be the acceleration due to gravity, which we know is 9.8 meters per second^2. Now we just plug in numbers.


F=(1 kg)(9.8 m/sec^2)

F=9.8 (kg x m)/sec^2

F=9.8 N

Hence the earth is applying 9.8 Newtons of force on the object due to gravity, so the object weighs 9.8 Newtons
Hope this helps :)

Find the mechanical advantage of a ramp that is 6.0 m long and 1.5 m tall.


The mechanical advantage of a ramp that is 6.0 m long and 1.5 m tall. we can easily take any object to height of 6 m.

What is gravitational Potential Energy ?

Gravitational potential energy is an energy acquired by an object due to a change in its height when it is present in a gravitationalfield. It is denoted by P or U. and it its expressed in joule.  Gravitational potential energy is given by U = mgh where m is the mass of the object, g is acceleration due to gravity and h is the height.

when we take an object of mass m to a certain height in the field of gravitation, we can say that body has potential energy and we release that body from that height, it falls.

Ramp of 6.0 m long and 1.5 m tall is that there will be angle made by the inclination is 14.4°. Mechanical advantage of a ramp is, it is used for  transportation of heavy objects to a certain height at certain distance. It reduces physical efforts and make our task faster. when we have to transport lots of object to a certain height, when we put objects on the ramp which has motor and upper part of the belt rotates, it will easily get transported to that height without physical efforts. Escalator is also a type  ramp. Ramp which has no rotator, we have to push objects on the ramp to that height.

Hence these are advantages of a ramp.

To know more about Ramp, click :



Answer: 4.0


On a weather map places that have the same temperature are joined with lines called


Those lines are called the "isotherms".

"iso..." means "same" (like "isometric" exercises")

"therm" means heat or temperature (like "thermal" underwear for camping)