What was the main goal of supporters of “Manifest Destiny” in the 1840s?


Answer 1

Answer:  The main goal was the push westward.

Explanation:  Both government and individual felt nothing should stop the all-powerful drive to expand the size of the country.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Manifest Destiny was a belief that drove U.S. territorial expansion across the North American continent in the 19th century. Supporters sought to extend America's reach coast to coast, resulting in the annexation of Texas, the Mexican-American War, and the Oregon Treaty with Britain.


The main goal of supporters of “Manifest Destiny” in the 1840s was to expand U.S. territory across the continent to the Pacific Ocean. This doctrine was based on the belief that America was destined by God and by nature to stretch from coast to coast, covering the entire North American continent.

This belief led the U.S. to annex Texas and gain territory from Mexico in the Mexican-American War, resulting in the acquisition of what is now the southwestern United States. It also played a part in the Oregon Treaty with Britain, which secured the U.S. claim to the Pacific Northwest.

Overall, Manifest Destiny was a deeply influential ideology that drove American expansion in the 19th century, manifesting not only in territorial conquest, but in cultural and economic dominance as well.

Learn more about Manifest Destiny



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Sparta, however, growing increasinly wary of Athenian prosperity, would soon find itself entangled once again with its old rival. The thirty year peace managed to hang on for only fourteen years before hostilities broke out again. In 431BCE, a second war broke out, called simply The Peloponnesian War; this war would see the death of Pericles in its second year, but eventually witness the foolish destruction of the Athenian navy, the defeat of Athens and the end of Athenian democracy.

thank you <3
Pericles was the ruler of Athens during the Peloponnesian War. He liked democracy n stuff

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Hope this helps  :)

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Checking my Questions


None were born in Georgia.   Your welcome :)