A metal pot feels hot to the touch, but the plastic handle does not. Which type of material is the plastic handle? A. A thermal insulator, because it transfers heat easily B. A thermal conductor, because it does not transfer heat easily C. A thermal conductor, because it transfers heat easily D. A thermal insulator, because it does not transfer heat easily


Answer 1


Option (D)


There are two types of materials.

1. Conductors: The materials which can allow the heat to pass through it are called conductors. For example, iron, copper, etc.

2. Insulators: The materials which do not heat to pass through it are called insulators. For example, plastic, wood, rubber, etc.

Here plastic handle does not feel hot because it is an insulator and it does not allow to pass the heat through it.

Answer 2
Answer: D is the answer..........

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b. the risk of cancer associated with eating GM food.
c. increased resistance of insects to pesticides because of the pesticides resistance of GM crops.
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The only answer can be a. The escape of GM genes into non-GM crops. There is no evidence supporting that genetically modified crops cause mutation into cancer in the consumer. GM crops are altered not to be resistant to pesticides, but to be resistant to the best themselves, eliminating the need for spray on pesticides which the organisms might become accustomed to. The only reason why consumer support may be lost is due to myths and people who cause a fuss about genetically modified produce. There is no scientific evidence that the crops have negative effects. There is an idea of conservation related to harlume crops, because GM crops will be the dominant DNA should the plants breed which is why the answer is A.

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Pretty sure you'd be a dead man. Let's break this up shall we?

So if you're running @ 5 m/s at a distance of 100m, then it'll take you 20 seconds to get to the car. This is because distance/velocity=time. ••••• Now the Alligator is another story. He has to run 20m+100m and he runs @ 8 m/s. Using the same equation again, d/v= time, you will find that it takes the alligator 15 seconds to get to your car. So if it takes 20 secs for you to get to safety, and 15 secs for the alligator to maul you, if say you would die.

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Why dog pants during summer use the cocept of evaporation


Every "warm-blooded" living thing needs a way to make heat and keep it
when its body is too cold inside, and a way to get rid of extra heat when
its body is too hot inside.

Moving around (using muscles) makes heat inside, and the animal needs
a way to get rid of the heat.  Fast.

Evaporation is a very effective way to get rid of heat.

Human animals do it by perspiring.  We excrete moisture through our skin,
and when the moisture evaporates, that takes heat away very efficiently.
That's why we like to fan ourselves when we're hot ... moving more air
past our skin makes moisture evaporate faster.

Dogs don't perspire, so they badly need another way to get rid of heat
in a hurry.

They do it through their mouth.  They put water in their mouth if it's available,
or else just collect a lot of saliva in there if there's no other water, and then
they blow air over it to evaporate it and get rid of heat.  Panting moves more
air over the moisture, which causes more evaporation and more heat loss.

Kepler found that the orbits of the planets were _____. circular amorphous oval elliptical





Nicolaus Copernicus gave the heliocentric theory that sun is at the center if the solar system and all the planets and the moons revolved wound it. according to him, the planets revolved around the sun in circular paths.

But Kepler suggested a different shape of the orbit. According to the laws o planetary motion given by Kepler, the planets revolve around the sun in an elliptical orbit. The sun is at one of its focus.

Kepler found that the orbits of the planets were elliptical. 
His work was so convincing that to this day, they still are.

How is the Maunder minimum related to climate? a. Unusually low sunspot activity correlates to unusually cold climatic events.
b. The Maunder minimum is unrelated to climate.
c. Changes in the Earth’s tilt correlate to changes in climate.
d. Changes in the Earth’s orbit correlate to changes in climate.


Maunder minimum is related to climate due to the unusually low sunspot activity correlates to unusually cold climatic events. The answer is letter A. It happened around 1645 and 1715 and also coincided with the phenomena ‘Little Ice Age’ (1500 – 1850) in the Northern Hemisphere.