Please answer and explain thanks
Please answer and explain thanks - 1


Answer 1
Answer: The probability is still 1/2. The probability of the third child being Aa isn't influenced by the outcomes of the other two children.

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Help me please :): Steady state theorists support the perfect cosmological principle, which suggests the universe looks the same from all directions, but over time.



The correct answer or fill in would be- but Change and evolve over time.


The perfect cosmological principle is a extended version of the cosmological principle. The perfect cosmological principle says that the universe is look same from all directions but can be change and evolve with time.

Steady state theory supports this theory as it also says that universe is expanding but also maintain its density even though it continuously creates stars and galaxies but still look same.

Thus, the correct answer is -but Change and evolve over time.

Where did the Amoeba get it's name from?


naturalists referred to Amoeba as the Proteus animalculeafter the Greek godProteus who could change his shape. The name "amibe"was given to it by Bory de Saint-Vincent,[3] from the Greek meaning change

What is a tropical rainforest?


A tropicalrainforest is a forest which is located within 28 degrees from the equator from the latitude and has a tropical climate that is extremes of heat or cold (determining the location of the forest) and it hardly rains in the summer or winter season.

What is cytokinesis? Explain the process below and include an image that represents cytokinesis as well.


Cytokinesis is the process by which a cell divides its cytoplasm to produce two daughter cells. As the final step in cell division after mitosis , cytokinesis is a carefully orchestrated process that signals the start of a new cellular generation. The separation of one cell into two is accomplished by a structure called the contractile ring. The contractile ring is a structure believed to operate in a way similar to muscle. A molecular motor, myosin, contracts the actin filaments that form the contractile ring tighter and tighter until the cell is pinched in two. The contraction of the contractile ring has been likened to tightening a purse string to close the top of a pouch. The furrow created by this pinching process is also called the "cleavage furrow," as it is the site at which cleavage of one cell into two cells occurs.  

3) Which of the following statements aboutthe tundra biome is true?
a. It is the coldest biome.
b. There are no summers.
c. It is the driest biome.
d. It is covered with trees.





Answer: A. It is the coldest biome


What can form when water supporting the roof of a cavern drains and the roof falls


A sinkhole would form
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