What do we do with our "points" on this site?


Answer 1
Step 1:
You look at them from this angle, then from that angle, you smile
and say to yourself "Not bad, self !  Not bad at all." 

Step 2:
Then you step back for a better view, and admire them some more. 

Step 3:
After a while, the novelty wears off, and you want a stronger kick,
so you answer some more questions, and get some more points.
Then you have a higher number to admire, so you go back to Step 1.

Answer 2
Answer: Short version: we don't do anything with them, we just have them to show others how much we have answered.

Long version: points are simply a means to show experience and credibility. You can't buy anything, but it signifies to other users how experienced you are with answering questions and therefore how much your answer can be trusted. This is not to say that someone with more points is smarter than someone with a lesser number of points, just that the person with more points has answered more questions. points also determine, in part, your "rank." Mine, for example. is expert. this has no other benefit other than letting others know how credible your answers are.  

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A computer virus is a self-replicating program which are malicious and are designed to infect and gain control over a computer without the owner's knowledge.

To protect your computer from viruses especially when downloading files from the internet, it is advisable for one to perform regular windows security updates. This is because because windows have malware definitions to its windows defender and security essential utilities.

This is True. 
If you are downloading files from the internet like videos, documents, images, or installers, your computer is at risks of malware and viruses. To avoid it, you must regularly perform Windows Security updates. These updates help resolves vulnerability issues in Windows Applications, especially in Internet Explorer. 

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Hmm Excel to this date does not help you decide what chart to use for your set of data. There is however a panel to which you can choose what type of data chart you would want... 

Though previous versions of Excel, A feature called 'Chart Wizards' goes through a set of instructions to which guide the user to pick what chart they should use.

Hope that helps ^^

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Answer: Easily alter the color of all list to a different one.

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