Write a sentence defining the U.S. Constitution. Please give a specific and clear sentence.


Answer 1
Answer: The U.S. constitution gives us a way to see that not only did our founding fathers want to have a great country they did have a great country at one time now it's just a piece of paper setting in a building that people go look at and take photos of. 

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At the suggestion of the American General MacArthur, in October 1943 the heads of state of the United States and the USSR met in Moscow and agreed that the USSR would declare war on Japan once the war in Germany had ended. This decision was supported by the belief that the Japanese Empire was more vulnerable in the north, in Manchuria and Korea, than in the south, in the Philippines, where it was winning the battles.

On August 8, 1945, two days after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima by the US, the USSR declared war on Japan and the next day attacked the Korean peninsula in the north. This decision alarmed the United States, that after the atomic bombings on Japan, thus ensuring the early Japanese surrender, they were no longer so interested in the entry of the Soviet Union into the war. One day after the second atomic bombing of Japan in Nagasaki on August 10, 1945, the United States sends troops to Busan, south of the Korean peninsula. Korea, on the other hand, counted on a guerrilla of communist ideology that faced Japan and supported the measures of the USSR. The American troops were also well received at their landing in Busan, to the south.

On August 10, when preparing the general surrender of Japan, the Operations Division of the US Department of War chose the 38th parallel as the boundary of the country's defense. On August 15 the surrender was published. Joseph Stalin, in a climate of increasing tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, ordered his troops to stop north of the 38th parallel, while the US troops were located south of it. Stalin admitted the surrender of Japan and did not say anything about the division of Korea. The Americans took this act as an acceptance of it.

The North, which began to industrialize and sympathize with the Soviets, formed the socialist state of North Korea on September 9, 1948. The USSR recognized its cabinet as the only legal for the entire peninsula. Meanwhile, to the south, capitalist South Korea had been born on August 15 of the same year, then the poorest part of the peninsula. The UN organized its elections: in 1945, 93% of the steel industry and 86% of the chemical industry were in North Korea, while the South was practically only a provider of food.

The division culminated in the 1950 Korean War, which began with the invasion of the North over the South. This war accentuated the differences between USA and the USSR and indirectly led to the economic regeneration of Japan.

north Korea became communist and south Korea became democratic and neither the US nor the Soviet Union was willing to see the peninsula unified under the opposing ideology.

Which was not a warning sign of tough economic times ahead before the Great Depression?


The answer to the question that is being presented above would be the increase of stock prices through the people purchasing goods or services. This was not a warning sign of tough economic times ahead before the Great Depression because these stock prices were bought on credit and was not a reflection of a real investment.

The correct answer is actually

B. Even with advanced machinery and efficiency, farmers were not very prosperous.

In fact farmers were producing too much crops.

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An example of direct democracy is like a town meeting. Most towns allow the members of the town to participate in the meetings, which include voting on specific issues, These meetings allow a community to make decisions together.

The "Rough Riders" werea.cuban revolutionaries who battled the spanish for independence
b.a volunteer cavalry unit in the spanish american war
c.newspaper owners who influenced public opinion by exaggerating the truth
d.spanish generals in cuba who mistreated the civilian population.


The Rough Riders were "b. a volunteer cavalry unit in the Spanish-American war," who fought for the United States, due to the fact that the American standing army at this time was relatively small. 

The "Rough Riders" were volunteer cavalry unit in the Spanish American war.

Further Explanations:

The Rough Riders were the 1st Volunteer Cavalry Units of the United States during the Spanish War and the only one to be involved in the combat. It was an unorganized, small and understaffed troops as compared to the troops of the American Civil war.

The troop of the Volunteers were organized by the order of President William Mckinley in order to strengthen the ground force for better assistance during the War. Around 125,000 riders were employed as volunteers to the troops during the war.  The troop was also sometimes called “Wood’s Weary Walker”  as its first commander was, Colonel Leonard Wood.

During May 1998 around 1060 Rough Riders along with more than 1258 horses and mules were sent to the Southern Pacific railroad to set off to Cuba. On arriving Cuba on 23rd June 1898  the troops unloaded themselves and waited for the further order. The troops lacked an adequate amount of supplies and transportation facilities and were even unskilled. All these served as a demerit t the troop's members who were to see the combat.

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Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: US History

Chapter: Rough Riders

Keywords: Rough Riders, 1st Volunteer Cavalry, United States, Spanish War, American Civil war, President,  William Mckinley, Wood’s Weary Walker, Colonel Leonard Wood, Southern Pacific railroad, Cuba

Which statement best describes a difference between Herbert Hoover's and Franklin Roosevelt's political philosophies? A.
Hoover said the government should not intervene in the economy; Roosevelt used government programs to create jobs.

Hoover believed the government must regulate the stock market; Roosevelt thought the crash wasn't that serious.

Hoover believed the economy was still strong; Roosevelt was convinced that capitalism was finished.

Hoover thought that government must help citizens in need; Roosevelt believed people should help themselves.


The correct answer among all the other choices is A. Hoover said the government should not intervene in the economy; Roosevelt used government programs to create jobs. This statement best describes a difference between Herbert Hoover's and Franklin Roosevelt's political philosophies. Thank you for posting your question. I hope this answer helped you. Let me know if you need more help. 

7. Which statement about cotton in the southern colonies is false?a) Cotton was first grown in America in the state of Florida.
b) Cotton was primarily used to make clothing
c) Cotton was grown in the south to be used for clothing production in the
d) Cotton production has decreased steadily over time.


Answer: d) Cotton production has decreased steadily over time.


Today, the cotton clothing industry is still strong in the United States. All the other responses are true.

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