Photosynthesis continues to increase with temperature. true true within limits not true


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is true within limits.

Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of green plants. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are converted into using the energy of sunlight glucose and oxygen. Thus, the limiting factors for photosynthesis are carbon dioxide, light intensity, and temperature.
Temperature affects an activity of some enzymes characteristic for light independent reactions. It actually doubles the enzyme rate for every 10°C. So, if temperature increases, the rate of these enzymes will increase, as well as the photosynthesis rate. But, this is limited. After reaching optimum temperature, the photosynthesis rate will decrease because the enzymes will denature.
Answer 2


true within limits


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The correct macthing of the organs with their organ systems is as follows.

1. Digestive system - intestines.

2. Central nervous system - brain.

3. Respiratory system - tracheal system.

4. Excretory system - bladder.

Digestive system is made up of the alimentary canal consisting of the digestive organs and the glands. Among the digestive organs, the intestines play a major role in the process of digestion. The small intestine is the site of complete digestion which is associated with the pancreas and liver. The large intestine is involved the absorption of water from the digested food and remaining waste material is stored and thrown out of the body during defecation.

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The excretory system is made up of a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, an urinary bladder and an urethra. The urine produced by the kidney flows through the ureters and is collected in the urinary bladder. A spinchter (a ring of muscle) guards the opening of the bladder into the urethra and relaxes only at the time of urination under the impulse from the brain.

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I TOOK THE TEST: continental drift