Calculate the molecular mass of HCL


Answer 1
Answer: molecular mass of HCl :

H = 1.00794
Cl= 35.453

HCl :
1.00794 + 35.453 = 36.46094 g/mol

hope this helps!

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I REALLY NEED HELP WITH THIS CHEMESTRY PROJECT. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING OF THIS. CAN YOU GUYS PLZ HELP ME?Problem: You and your team work at Southern Nevada Water Authority and have been given the job of managing fluoride levels for the municipal water system. Today, you will need to measure the mass of the mineral sample fluorite (chemically, CaF2). Use this sample to determine how much water must be added to yield a 1 ppm fluoride solution. Your supervisor is requesting tanker trucks to bring the excess water. He needs to know how many tanker trucks to request and the total cost.Notes: 1 mol CaF2 = 78.08 g CaF2 = 6.02 x 1023 molecules of CaF21 molecules of CaF2 = 2 atoms of F1 mol H2O = 18 g H2O Density of water is 1 g/mL1000 mL = 1 L and 3.78 L = 1 gallonmass of sample of CaF2 = 287.185 g1 part per million = 1 atom of fluorine per 999,999 water molecules. 1 truck can carry 12,800 litters of water at a cost of $2,852.42 dollars.Before you begin mixing a solution of fluorite and water your team must first calculate the amount of water you will need. Your team will create a presentation that will show all of the necessary calculations to ensure that the greater Las Vegas area will have cavity free teeth. The presentation should include the following information:- Draw a diagram that points out the basic design of the water system and transport.- Demonstrate the following calculations (a) Calculate how many moles of mineral fluorite (CaF2) are in you sample. (b) Calculate the number of fluorine atoms in the sample of the mineral fluorite (CaF2). (b) Calculate how many molecules of water you will need. (c) Calculate the number of gallons of water that are needed to dissolve a 287.185 gram sample of fluorite to yield 1ppm solution.(e) How many trucks will be needed? Show your calculations!(f) what is will be the total cost?- Bonus points for creativity or “WOW” factor (i.e. pictures, color, neatness)!

What is true regarding methane and ammonia?


Methane has no unbonded electron pairs to interact with the hydrogen; ammonia does.

Descreva as principais caracteristícas dos compostos ionicos


a) They are solid at ambient temperatures of 25 ° C and pressure of 1 atm.

b) Ionic compounds represent high temperature melting and boiling.

 c) They are hard and brittle and then subjected to the impact, break easily, creating planar faces.

d) When dissolved in water, or pure liquid, carry electrical current due to the existence of ions that move freely and can be attracted by the electrodes, closing the electric circuit.

e) His solvent is water. 

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true or false


it has so many consequences

False hope this helps

A neutron star that spins and emits beams of energy is called a _____.protostar
red dwarf
white dwarf
black hole



The correct answer is pulsar.


Protostar : Its a young star with contracting mass which gains mass from its parent molecular cloud. At this stage fusion process does not start.

Red dwarf:  A star having lower surface temperature , luminosity, mass and size than of the sun.

White dwarf : its an ultimate stage for an average mass star like sun . its a small dense star with size relatively equal to planet.

Pulsar :  A rotating neutron star that emits beam of radio waves and other electromagnetic radiations.

Black hole:  It is region of space time with very strong gravitational pull that even smallest particle or electromagnetic wave is incapable to escape it.

I believe its a pulsar

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An ionic compound is composed of anions and cations. A cation is a positively charged ion, and an anion is the opposite. A metal is composed of two or more cations. Since you need at least one cation and one anion for an ionic compound, the metal is not ionic.

The bicycle is said to be the most energy-efficient means of transportation. Where does the energy that drives it come from?


The energy that drives the bicycle comes
from the food that the rider eats.
well the food that the person eats powers the mucles and the person uses their wieght/gravity to push down on the pedals which pulls the chain and, since the wheel is a diffarent size, you either get more power and less speed or more speed and less power