Can some tell me what Thomas Hobbes believe in give me like 4/5 paragraphs


Answer 1

Thomas Hobbes was an early modern philosopher who put forth the idea of a "social contract" -- that governments are formed by the will of the people.  This was different than previous views which held that governments (kings) got their authority directly from God.

Hobbes published a famous work called Leviathan in 1651.  The title "Leviathan" comes from a biblical word for a great and mighty beast.  Hobbes believed government is formed by people for the sake of their personal security and stability in society.  In Hobbes' view, once the people put a king (or other leader in power), then that leader needs to have supreme power (like a great and mighty beast).    Hobbes' view of the natural state of human beings without a government held that people are too divided and too volatile as individuals -- everyone looking out for his own interests.  So for security and stability, authority and the power of the law needs to be in the hands of a powerful ruler like a king or queen.  And so people willingly enter a social contract in which they live under a government that provides stability and security for society.

Probably the most famous set of lines from Hobbes' Leviathan book describes what he saw as the natural state of human affairs without government -- one in which every individual had freedom, but that meant it was a situation of "war of all against all," or we might say, every man for himself.  Hobbes wrote:

  • In such condition, there is no place for industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no culture of the earth; no navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea; no commodious building; no instruments of moving, and removing, such things as require much force; no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

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In thinking through this answer, it is important to begin with a definition of lobbying.

Lobbying is the actions of an interest group to inform and sway the vote of a legislator or policymaker.

The benefit of lobbying is that the interest groups often have subject matter expertise that the legislators might not have.

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Answer: YES



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B. The banking industry extended credit only to rich Americans who they knew would pay them
C. The banking industry adopted policies that made it more difficult to purchase a house, which
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D. The banking industry made it easier to borrow money, leading to an increased demand for cars
and other high-priced goods.



The correct response is Option D.  The banking industry made it easier to borrow money, leading to an increased demand for cars  and other high-priced goods.


There are a number of factors that led to the economic boom in the 1920s. There was a sharp increase in consumerism and the purchase of consumer goods, which also had a twofold impact. There was more demand for companies to make more products, and they needed more workers to be able to make the products and to meet demand, so this brought economic growth. It also became easier for people to borrow money or to purchase big-ticket items on credit, and this led to an overextension of credit because people were buying stocks with borrowed money and engaged in speculation buying, for example. This helps to explain the devastating stock market crash in 1929.




did the quiz

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the answer is buganda..option c

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C. Seven day's battles
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Hi Niya

Answer : C

The seven days battle

I hope that's help and have a great weekend :)

B:The Battle of Shiloh, also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, was a major battle in the Western Theater of the American Civil War, fought April 6–7, 1862, in southwestern Tennessee.