How were athens and hera related?


Answer 1
Answer: Athens was a Greek city, which had its golden period at the time of ancient Greece. During this time the religion of the Greek was the ancient Greek Religion, in which Hera was a Godess, and an important one: she was the wife of Zeus.

So, Hera was venerated in Athens, although since Athens was especially devoted to Athena, who was in conflict with Hera, as Hera was jealous of her. 

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I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is option B  Climate is The average weather condition in an area over a long period of time

Hope this helps :)

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What is the correct answer if that is not? My answer choices are:  

A) Fiscally responsible individuals would not take the risk of investments.  

B) Most investments have a guarantee of high returns in a short period of time.  

C) Individuals delay the satisfaction from purchases now for possible greater returns later.  

D) Investments give individuals greater returns now rather than delaying the satisfaction until a later date.  

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