Why was the Warren Commission created in November 1963?


Answer 1


The Warren Commission was created to investigate the assassination of John F. Kennedy.


The Warren Commission was created on November 29, 1963, by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The United States President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. The U.S. Congress established through resolution 137 that the Presidential Commission could make a report about John F. Kennedy's assassination through the different testimonies of  witnesses and the corresponding evidence.

The reported established that president John F. Kennedy had been killed by  Lee Harvey Oswald and it also established that he had acted alone. This report also showed that Jack Ruby, who had killed Lee Harvey Oswald also had acted alone.

Answer 2
Answer: The Warren Commission was created to gather all evidence into the assasination of President John F. Kennedy, including witness accounts, photographs, etc.. Their conclusion was that Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President and acted alone.

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Further Explanation:

The Hull House was a community house co-founded by Ellen Gates Starr and Jane Addam in 1889, built on the western side of Chicago, Illinois. The House was established to provide shelter to the immigrants approaching the United States.  

Throughout the decade Hull-House attracted thousands of residents and immigrants towards itself. Many female residents were also attracted to the Hull House who later became reformers of the society. By 1912 complex comprised of 13 buildings along with a Summer camp, Bowen Country Club and by 1920 the settlement reached 500 houses. The first Bathhouses, public playground and public Gymnasium of the city was established in 1893. The reformers persuaded political and educational reforms and also investigated social issues.

Addam served as the head of the resident Until his demise in 1935 and the Hull house continued to serve till it was replaced by the University of Illinois in 1960. The reformers persuaded political and educational reforms and also investigated social issues.

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Answer Details

Grade: High school

Subject: US History

Chapter:Hull House

Keywords:Hull House, Ellen Gates Starr, Jane Addam, Chicago, Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, Bathhouses, public playground, public Gymnasium, University of Illinois

Since she created it she did everything but demolish it. Jane Addams was a loving animal lover and with that, she created the Hulls House. The house a settlement building. I'm positive it still stands today.
Hope that helps :P

What was the effect of the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq?increase in oil prices
invasion of Iraq
the Persian Gulf War


I believe the answer is the last option the Persian Gulf War


The effect of the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq was the Persian Gulf War.


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