In the 1890's, the main goal of those who supported United States imperialism was to


Answer 1
Answer: In the 1890's, the main goal of those who supported United States imperialism was creating a market for trades and obtaining naval bases. During the period of the 1990's, the United States became a great industrial power. They needed to sell the goods manufactured in their factories. For this purpose they needed to find new market.

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What is the significance of the manner of death on an autopsy report or a coroner's report?


The significance of the manner of death contains medical and scientific information about the factors that led to the death of an individual, The medical examiner conducts certain medical tests on the body, to determine the nature of disease or diseases that set in the body, or the results of shock by violence or accident that caused death. Autopsy reports also reveal the time of death and is a useful piece of information for authorities to determine the nature and cause of death. The most viable time for carrying out an autopsy is within 24 hours of death occurring. The performing of autopsy determines the cause of disease, which helps the pathologists to find measures to prevent them.

Further Explanation-

Autopsies are carried out on the basis of the purpose of an investigation, and the cause and nature of injuries. If the nature of injuries on the body is not natural, or the person has died an unnatural death,a coroner performs the investigations to determine the cause of death. Usually, violent and unnatural injuries are subject to judicial jurisdiction and investigation, and thus these cases are referred to a coroner, with five years of legal or medical experience. A legal investigation may be commissioned into the circumstances surrounding death, on the recommendation of the coroner. However, hospital doctors can carry out post mortems in case of death by natural circumstances such as illness. This provides them with information about the nature and cause of the illness, allowing them to carry out further research to find ways to prevent the illness.

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Answer Details-

Grade- Graduation.

Chapter- The details on autopsy

Subject- Medical Science.


Autopsy, examination, violent or unnatural circumstances, judicial officer, legal inquiry, medical research.

"An important feature is the reported underlying cause of death determined by the medical examiner or coroner and defined as (a) the disease or injury that initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or (b) the circumstances of the accident or violence that produced the fatal injury."

So I believe the answer would be "cause of death", hope this helps.

What are two other terms used to express the concept of limited government


Two other terms used to express the concept of limited government would be "checks and balances" and "balance of power," since both are used to ensure that no single branch becomes too powerful. 

What right did the English nobles gain from King John after signing the Magna Carta? A. Parliament would be required to meet once a year. B. Nobles could choose their own juries at criminal trials. C. The king would control the establishment of noble titles. D. The Great Council could approve taxes proposed by the monarch. E. Religious leaders would be exempt from laws they did not agree with.


The correct answer is B. Nobles could choose their own juries at criminal trials. That meant that they could no longer be unjustly imprisoned if they opposed the king or anything similar. They would stand trial and the trial would be fair because they would choose the jury so the jury wouldn't be someone who would just look to harm them and get them out of the way.

In drunken driving cases, the police must conduct _____ tests on suspects.


Fair and Safe (gradpoint)

the police would conduct a sobriety test

How did military leaders prevent democracy in Brazil? Check all that apply.A) They regulated political parties.
B) They controlled elections.
C) They kidnapped dissenters.
D) They arrested legislators.
E) They killed dissenters.


Military leaders A) regulated political parties and B) controlled elections. They had complete power within politics to sway the elections the way they wanted, and since they had military force, it was difficult to defy them. However, they did not kidnap or kill dissenters, nor did they arrest legislators. The power they displayed was much more diplomatic and strategic than it was physical.

The Military leaders prevented the democracy in Brazil by,

I) They regulated political parties.

II) They controlled elections.

Further Explanation

The 5th Brazilian republic or the Brazilian Government was a dictatorial military dictatorship that reigns from 1st April 1964 to March 1965. The Military rebel was fostered by Carlos Lacerda, Adhemar De Barros and Magalhaes Pinto executing the governors of the states of the Minas, Guanabara, Gerais, and Sao Paulo. It received assistance from all the high ranking office holders of the military along with the societies' conventional elements like catholic Church and Brazilian common citizens. It also received assistance from the State Department of the United States through its Brazilian embassy.

During this epoch torture and abusement, harassment of journalists, repression on the press became prevalent.  The action of the guerilla's movement and anti-government advisory led to the rise in oppressive measures.

The dictatorship continued for 20 years and reached its apex in the 1970s with the so-called “Brazilian Miracle “ The Military torment and arrested the dissenters and even restricting the media during this reign the armed troops got parted into two parts one part in support of the dictatorship and the other upholding communism.

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  1. Which of the following represents one of congress's electoral powers?
  2. Which country was the last to join the allied powers?
  3. According to the supreme court, which of these most likely prompted the arrest of the protesters in Edwards v. South Carolina?

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: History

Chapter: Brazil

Keywords: Fifth Brazilian republic Government, authoritarian military, dictatorship, Maglhaes Pinto, Adhemar De Barros, Carlos Lacerda, Minas, Gerais, Sao Paulo, Guanabara, Brazilian embassy, Brazilian Miracle,antigovernment

When economists determine that a nation’s GDP has declined, they can point to this as a sign of


When an economist determines that a nation's GDP has declined, they would most likely point this to a sign as economic decline in a nation. When a nation produces less then it used to (comparing one year to another) this would mean that their economy wasn't expanding but was in fact decreasing in size. 

GDP is a measure of the total output of goods and services produced by a country over a given period of time, usually one year.

This means that GDP is a measure of the country's wealth, when GDP grows, it means that the country has become richer. On the contrary, the fall in GDP means a decrease in the wealth of that nation.

Therefore, the decline in GDP is a sign that the country has become poorer than before.