5. These good people cry “how bright their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay.” What does this mean?plss help


Answer 1

This question is about Dylan Thomas “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” poem. They are saying how great their frail deeds would be if only somewhere else (only are deemed lesser here, elsewhere they are saying their contribution would have been more accepted). Their frail deeds are the good they did (while they were in the bay).

"crying how bright / their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay" If given a different situation, their actions could have done more (figurative language).

Dylan Thomas writes about his father going blind and eventual death (about living boldly).

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i read this and it helped me i hope it helps you too

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A because it has two ideas in one sentence

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O fount of Dirce, wood-embowered plain
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O monstrous doom,
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And alien midst the living and the dead.

In thy boldness over-rash
Madly thou thy foot didst dash
'Gainst high Justice' altar stair.
Thou a father's guild dost bear.



the last line makes the most sense thou fathers guilt dost bear


"Antigone" written by Sophocles is a tragedy that revolves around the life of Antigone.

From the given excerpt, the line that reflects that Antigone was helpless because of her fate and the past of her family is:

"Thou a father's guild dost bear."

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Learn more about Antigone:


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includes the main idea (i dont know how i managed to do this but i posted this in the wrong question) so uh sorry

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