Which is a purpose for which a pedigree chart might be prepared?


Answer 1

Considering the following choices;

A. to determine the gender of a fetus

B. to determine if a fetus has the correct number of chromosomes

C. to identify chromosomal defects

D. to identify the pattern of inheritance of a particular trait


D. to identify the pattern of inheritance of a particular trait


The pedigree chart shows the occurrence of the phenotypes (observable characteristic) of a certain gene or genes between ancestors and predecessor.

It is created in order to find patterns of inheritance and see what the most important traits that get inherited are.

Answer 2
Answer: The correct answer is to determine the pattern of inheritance of a particular trait. A pedigree chart is a diagram in which shows the pattern of inheritance of a particular trait from its ancestors to the next generation.

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The intensity of the volcano eruption depends on the character and composition of the magma.

Further Explanation:

Magma is formed when the lower crust or upper mantle of the earth is melted. This magma is discharge by a volcano, which is referred to as a vent or opening through which magma is released. Many factors can trigger a volcanic eruption. The major reasons are:

  • The density of the magma
  • Pressure from the gases present in the magma
  • Addition of a newly formed magma into an already filled magma chamber

The intensity of volcanic eruption could be of two types, explosive and quite. There are two primary factors which determine whether the volcanic eruption is quite or explosive named are:

  • Viscosity
  • Content of gases in magma

As the viscosity and gas content of magma is low, then volcanic eruption is less explosive or quite. On the other hand, if the viscosity and gas content is high, then the volcanic eruption is explosive.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about the abiotic factor brainly.com/question/1561256
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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Topic: Volcanic eruption


Explosive, gas content, volcanic eruption, high, viscosity, quite, magma, intensity, factor, density, pressure, addition, formed, filled.

chemical composition,temperature, viscosity
different chemicals in an erupting volcano's magma affects the temperature, which in turn affects the viscosity, which affects the eruption itself
for example, less silica content in the magma means lower temperature which means the lava cools down faster and hardens faster, which means the viscosity increases, which in turn results in  relatively quiet explosion.

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I need the answer to!!!

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A characteristic shared by birds, salamanders, and sharks is B. Jaws and paired appendages. Let's go through the process of elimination. Lungs: salamanders and birds have lungs, but sharks have gills. Jaws and paired appendages: birds, salamanders, and sharks have these characteristics. Four limbs: salamanders and birds have four limbs, but sharks have fins. Endothermy: salamanders and birds are endothermic organisms, but sharks are ectothermic.

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