The best and most direct ways to learn about a career is to


Answer 1
Answer: The best and most direct way to learn about anything is to do it hands-on; in this case that would mean getting experience with the career either by shadowing someone else, being an intern, or getting a job in that field. firsthand experience will tell you more than any amount of research could because, while the research may be accurate, it is not specifically from your perspective. 

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Your answer is simply C. increased 

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The principal reason for the economic boom in the United States after the Second World War was a shortage of consumer goods combined with a reserve of purchasing power in the form of accumulated savings. 

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C) 8 hours . Hope this helped

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "c. United States under the Articles of Confederation." In its dependence upon members to enforce human rights declarations, the United Nations most closely resembles the United States under the Articles of Confederation.

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""Most"" of their Lives 




Why do you think following ethical guidelines in research is important?


Following ethical guidelines in research is important because it ensures the protection of participants' rights, safety, and well-being. Ethical guidelines help researchers maintain integrity, honesty, and fairness in their work. By adhering to these guidelines, researchers can minimize harm, maintain confidentiality, obtain informed consent, and ensure the validity and reliability of their findings. This fosters trust in the scientific community and ensures that research is conducted ethically and responsibly.