Ninety-five percent of all living organisms were killed by the deadliest mass extinction in history. It is known as the what mass extinction.


Answer 1
Answer: Permian-Triassic Extinction
Answer 2

The answer is Permain - Triassic.

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3. For your organ system, describe how the system works at the organ level.


Answer: Lets take the circulatory system; a simple explanation would be that first the “arties” carry the blood from the “heart” through “blood vessels” to the “capillaries” who then release oxygen and nutrients and take carbon dioxide and the waste products of cellular respiration. When that is complete the “veins” take the blood and carry it back to the “heart”.

!Hope it Helps!

9. Which of the following best sequences the functions of the digestive system from start to finish? A. Absorption, ingestion, digestion, elimination B. Ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination C. Elimination, absorption, ingestion, digestion D. Ingestion, absorption, digestion, elimination



The correct answer would be B. Ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination.

Digestion refers to the breakdown of complex compounds into simpler elements.

The process of the digestive system can be sequenced as:

  1. Ingestion: Intake of food from outside the body. For example, in humans, food is taken in from a mouth.
  2. Digestion: The breakdown of complex compounds into simpler elements. For example, polysaccharides, polypeptides, and fats are converted into monosaccharides, amino acids, and fatty acid chains and glycerol respectively.
  3. Absorption: The digested food is absorbed and transported to all parts of the body. In humans, the small intestine is the major site of food absorption.
  4. Assimilation: The nutrients are transported or distributed to all cells of the body where they are utilized for power generation.
  5. Excretion: The undigested food is then excreted out of the body. In humans, the solid waste is excreted through the anus.
its B.
 you eat it (ingest) it goes to your stomach (digest) then to your intestines where more nutrients are extracted(absorption) then to your and out your anus (elimination) 

Help me please ????????????????



See below


Sperm has digestive enzymes called acrosome to digest into the first layer of the cell

Sperm has an elongated shape making it faster to reach the egg

fallopian tube

Human fertilization is the binding of a human egg and sperm, usually occurring in the ampulla of the fallopian tube. The result of this is the production of a zygote cell or fertilized egg.

Zygote cell

After about 6-12 days the fertilized egg travels to the uterus and attaches to the uterus in a process known as implantation. The egg is pushed back towards the uterus by the cilia. The egg must attach to the uterus to become a viable pregnancy.

What is the most efficient procedure that scientists can use to obtain more recombinant DNA for a particular trait?


the most efficient procedure that scientist can use to obtain more recombinant dna for a particular trait is : Clone the recombinant dna in a biological vector. This method will give more assurance that they will get the traits that they  wanted form the subjects

hope this helps

i think the answer is C. for e2020.

“Any process used to ask and answer testable questions about observations of the natural world” defines which term?


The correct answer is:

scientific inquiry


Scientific inquiry is a cooperative and coordinated exertion to search out, describe, explain and foretell natural appearances. · Scientific inquiry progresses through a continuous process of examination, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The Scientific Method is an organized approach to discerning nature. It seeks to offer substantial empirical evidence of natural events so that scientists can continually increase their recognition of the natural world.

That describes an EXPERIMENT, in which questions about the natural world are tested.

The table above summarizes traits for two parents and their child The patterns evident in this data demonstrate that A genetic information is passed from neither mothers nor fathers to offspring B. genetic information is passed only from mothers to offspring C. genetic information is passed only from fathers to offspring D. genetic information is passed from both parents to offspring


the correct answer is D. genetic information is passed from both parents to offspring


its B and D


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