One way Mustafa Kemal created a modern, secular, nationalist, Turkish state in what used to be the Ottoman Empire was by _____.A. switching the Arabic alphabet to the Roman one and the Islamic calendar to the one used in Europe
B. encouraging people to dress in traditional Ottoman attire
C. bringing in U.S. advisors to aid in the process
D. gradually and slyly introducing European ideas and labeling them as Turkish national traditions


Answer 1
Answer: D. gradually and slyly introducing European ideas and labeling them as Turkish national traditions

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Which of the following are procedures by which the U.S. Constitution can be formally changed? Select all that apply. (3 points)Congress proposes an amendment by a two-thirds vote, and state legislatures ratify the amendment by a three-fourths vote.
A national convention proposes an amendment requested by three-fourths of states, and Congress ratifies the amendment by a two-thirds vote.
Congress proposes an amendment by a two-thirds vote, and a state convention ratifies the amendment by a three-fourths vote.
A national convention proposes an amendment requested by three-fourths of states, and state legislatures ratify the amendment by a three-fourths vote.
2. Which of the following amendments was proposed but not ratified? (1 point)
an amendment prohibiting the manufacturing, sale, and transportation of alcohol
an amendment guaranteeing the right to vote for those 18 years or older
an amendment abolishing poll taxes that were required for voting
an amendment specifically granting equal rights to women
3. Which of the following is an example of an informal change to the Constitution by legislative action? (1 point)
executive agreement
party nominating convention
creation of a federal court system
reversal of a Supreme Court ruling
4. Which of the following methods of informal change has most impacted the Electoral College? (1 point)
political parties
judicial action
5. Why was an amendment process included in the U.S. Constitution? (1 point)
to preserve popular sovereignty and limited government
to allow for the changing needs of society
to check the power of the executive branch
to ensure domestic tranquility among the states


1) a .... i do not know the other ones sadly 




Yes, Napoleon Bonaparte was an Emperor.


He became the Emperor of France in 1804 and held that title until 1814, when he was forced to abdicate and go into exile. He briefly regained power in 1815, but was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and exiled again, this time to the remote island of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic.

Yes, that's correct.

Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and became the Emperor of the French. He declared himself Emperor Napoleon I on December 2, 1804, after previously holding the title of First Consul of the French Republic.

As Emperor, Napoleon centralized power and implemented significant reforms in France. He expanded French territories through military conquests, creating the vast French Empire. However, his military campaigns eventually led to his downfall, and he was exiled to the island of Elba in 1814. He briefly returned to power during the Hundred Days in 1815 but was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and exiled again, this time to the remote island of Saint Helena, where he died in 1821. Despite his eventual defeat, Napoleon's influence on European history and his lasting impact on French society and governance are significant.

How did mutinies affect the French and Russian army?


Mutinies in both the French and Russian armies (and navies) set each nation back significantly because it diminished their fighting force and decreased soldier moral.
I'm assuming you're referring to mutinies by soldiers that occurred during The Great War, which later became known as World War I.  

Men of the French army essentially decided to stop obeying orders and would not participate in any more futile attacks on the enemy.
An especially costly assault was launched by General Robert Nivelle, Commander of the French Army, in April 1917.  120,000 French soldiers lay dead after ten days and no ground had been gained.  After that, various regiments of the French army began to refuse to obey orders for further attacks.  About half of the French army ultimately participated in the mutiny.

In Russia, soldiers mutinied by participating in the Russian Revolution that toppled Tsar Nicholas II from power. 
In February, 1917, the Cossack cavalry refused to shoot (as ordered) on protesting workers in Petrograd.  The tsar's military governor in Petrograd issued orders to other military regiments to shoot any protesters who would not disperse, but many of the other soldiers refused such orders also, and mutiny spread.  By March 2, 1917, Tsar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate his position as ruler of Russia.

What was the significance of the battle of bloody marsh? A) the battle ended years of the war between the highland scots and the salzburgers

B) As a defensive buffer, Georgia ended the Spanish threat from Florida

C) The fear of a slave revolt in the Georgia colony was ended

D) A colony that was governed by a set of twenty one trustees​





The term "doughboy" referred to American,French, English troops during World War I.



The term "Doughboy" referred to American troops during World War I.


The informal term "Doughboy" was used to denominate the members of the United States Army or the United States Marine Corps, used primarily to refer to American Expeditionary Forces members in World War I, although its use started during the Mexican-American War in 1846. In World War II, this term was replaced by "G.I."

Doughboy refers to American soldiers during WWI.

Which of the following invention of the tang and song dynasties?A. Woodblock printing C. Compass
B. Gunpowder D. All of the following

*This is focusing on China*


The compass, gunpowder, and woodblock printing were all created in China under the Tang and Song dynasties.  As a result, each of the following would, Option D is correct .

What was tang and song dynasties ?

The Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279)dynasties are frequently referred to as China's "medieval" era by academics. The Chinese Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties produced some of the most highly developed civilizations ever known.

The Song era saw great advancements in philosophy, mathematics, science, technology, and engineering. The Song dynasty established the first permanent standing fleet in China and was the first government in human history to print banknotes or actual paper money.

The first gunpowderchemical formula was discovered under this era, and gunpowder weaponry such fire arrows, bombs, and thefire arrow. It also witnessed the first use of a compass to determine true north, the first description of the pound lock in writing, and better astronomical clock designs.

Learn more about tang and song dynasties here

# SPJ 6

Woodblock printing, gunpowder, and the compass are all inventions of the Tang and Song dynasties in China. Therefore, D. All of the following would be the correct answer!