Please help match.1. commander of American forces during World War I
2. Austrian Archduke who was assassinated
3. site for signing of World War I peace treaty
4. President supporting progressivism
5. President returning the United States to normalcy
6. mass movement to the cities
7. ban of liquor sales
8. separation from world affairs
9. making or selling liquor illegally
10. Wilson's peace proposal
11. organization for peaceful settlement of world problems

League of Nations
Fourteen Points


Answer 1


1. Harding  - President returning the United States to normalcy .

2. Prohibition  - ban of liquor sales .

3. Bootlegging  - making or selling liquor illegally.

4. Ferdinand  -  Austrian Archduke who was assassinated.

5. League of Nations  - organization for peaceful settlement of world problems .

6. Pershing  - commander of American forces during World War I.

7. Fourteen Points  -  Wilson's peace proposal .

8. Wilson  - President supporting progressivism.

9. Versailles  - site for signing of World War I peace treaty.

10. Urbanization  - mass movement to the cities .

11. Isolationism - separation from world affairs .


1. Presidential candidate Warren Gamaliel Harding's slogan for the 1920 election was "A return to Normalcy", a return to the way of life prior to World War I.

2. Prohibition is the act that prevents or stops the sale, manufacture or storing of any alcoholic beverage.

3. Bootlegging is the illegal manufacture or distribution or selling of any goods especially alcoholic beverages.

4. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the Austrian Duke who was assassinated in June 1914 along with his wife Sophie.

5. League of Nations is the organization for peaceful settlement of world problems.

6. General John Joseph Pershing is the commander of American forces during World War I.

7. Fourteen points was a speech on peace proposal negotiation for ending World War I by President Woodrow Wilson in January 8, 1918.

8. President Woodrow Wilson was the president who supports thr reform movement of progressivism.

9. Versailles was the site for signing of the World War peace treaty, "The Treaty of Versailles".

10. Urbanization is the mass movement of people from rural to urban areas, to the cities.

11. Isolationism is the policy of remaining separate from world affairs.

Answer 2
Answer: 1. Pershing
2. Ferdinand
3. Versailles
4. Harding
5. Wilson
6. Urbanization
7. Prohibition
8. Isolationism
9. Bootlegging
10. Fourteen Points
11. League of Nations

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1. **Religion:** The church was the central religious institution, and Christianity played a crucial role in the daily lives of medieval Europeans. People attended church services, observed religious festivals, and sought guidance from priests.

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8. **Feudal System:** The church endorsed and supported the feudal system, which was the dominant socio-economic structure of medieval Europe. It provided a religious basis for the hierarchy and relationships within this system.

9. **Cultural Identity:** The church contributed to the development of a common European cultural identity through the use of Latin as the language of scholarship and religion. The church's liturgy and rituals were central to medieval culture.

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