Explain the concept of supply and demand when it comes to grocery store prices. Use specific products as an example.


Answer 1
Answer: supply is how much the store is getting, demand is how much the store is selling or how much this item is wanted. For example. The store gets 200 ponds of apples every day. However he is only selling around a hundred pounds! this means that he needs to reconsider his choices and look at his demands. He needs to lower his supply to like a 150 if only a 100 pounds is demanded! :)

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Present and past, but never more than now;
I ever suffered grief through banishment.
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Most widely in the world: and my heart longed.
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Old is this earth-cave, all I do is yearn. (30)
The dales are dark with high hills up above,
Sharp hedge surrounds it, overgrown with briars,
And joyless is the place. Full often here
The absence of my lord comes sharply to me.
Dear lovers in this world lie in their beds,
While I alone at crack of dawn must walk
Under the oak-tree round this earthy cave,
Where I must stay the length of summer days,
Where I may weep my banishment and all
My many hardships, for I never can (40)
Contrive to set at rest my careworn heart,
Nor all the longing that this life has brought me.
A young man always must be serious,
And tough his character; likewise he should
Seem cheerful, even though his heart is sad
With multitude of cares. All earthly joy
Must come from his own self. Since my dear lord
Is outcast, far off in a distant land,
Frozen by storms beneath a stormy cliff
And dwelling in some desolate abode (50)
Beside the sea, my weary-hearted lord
Must suffer pitiless anxiety.
And all too often he will call to mind
A happier dwelling. Grief must always be
For him who yearning longs for his beloved. (55)


I have never actually read this poem before, so bear with me... The first question that I think of is WHY is her husband exiled? She states that he had crime in his heart, but why would his kinsmen scheme to keep them apart?

Which of the following sentences uses semicolons correctly?Chris and Molly were delighted to see the whole family gathered in the living room; the group was waiting to congratulate the couple.
Chris and Molly loved spending their weekends at the beach during the summer; where they met some of their friends occasionally.
Molly wasn't expecting Chris to stay up working so late; she could hear her favorite song playing on the radio.
While Chris was preparing Molly's favorite meal; she decided to take out the trash, repair the broken shelf, and water the plants.


From the choices provided, the correct answer is:

Chris and Molly were delighted to see the whole family gathered in the living room; the group was waiting to congratulate the couple.

Semicolon is used to join two related independent clauses without using a conjunction.

Which unique advantage does the Internet have over other media forms with regard to advertisements? advertisements can be more entertaining advertisements can target a wider audience advertisements can be interactive advertisements can be more cost effective


While really all of these options are true to some extent, "advertisements can be more cost effective" would be the best since companies can target specific people whose likes are directly in line with the product they want to sell. 

When writing a limerick make sure to use:


You have the correct answer. 
Limericks are meant to rhyme they are also meant to be humorous.
 The rhyming part also helps with memorizing the limerick itself :)