Which of the following was a territorial gain made by the United States as a result of the SpanishAmerican War? A. Puerto Rico B. Alaska C. Hawaii D. New Mexico


Answer 1
Answer: Puerto Rico A
Hope this helped

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At the Wannsee Conference in 1942, the Nazis made plans for



-Final solution

At the Wannsee Conference in 1942, the Nazis made plans for the final solution


-On January 20, 1942, fifteen high-ranking Nazi Party and German government leaders gathered for an important meeting. They met in a wealthy section of Berlin at a villa by a lake known as Wannsee.

-The meeting was held for the purpose of discussing the "final solution to the Jewish question in Europe" with key non-SS government leaders, including the secretaries of the Foreign Ministry and Justice, whose cooperation was needed.

-The "final solution" was the Nazis' code name for the deliberate, carefully planned destruction, or genocide, of all European Jews. The Nazis used the vague term "final solution" to hide their policy of mass murder from the rest of the world. In fact, the men at Wannsee talked about methods of killing, about liquidation, about extermination.

At the Wannsee Conference in 1942, the Nazis made plans for the Final Solution, or to exterminate the Jews in WWII. 

Read the following excerpt from the Council of Trent, Eighteenth Session:Whereas, then, first of all, it has noticed that the number of suspected and pernicious books, wherein an impure doctrine is Contained, and is disseminated far and wide, has in these days increased beyond measure, which indeed has been the cause that many censures have been, out of a godly zeal, published in divers provinces, and especially in the fair city of Rome,--and yet that no salutary remedy has availed against so great and pernicious a disorder; It hath thought good, that Fathers specially chosen for this inquiry, should carefully consider what ought to be done in the matter of censures and of books, and also in due time report thereon to this holy Synod; to the end that It may more easily separate the various and strange doctrines, as cockle from the wheat of Christian truth, and may more conveniently deliberate and determine, in regard thereof, that which shall seem best adapted to remove scruples from the minds of very many, and to do away with various causes of complaint.—Public Domain
This passage alludes to the creation of which of the following?
the Inquisition the Index of Forbidden Books the Society of Jesus the Peace of Westphalia


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "the Society of Jesus." This passage alludes to the creation of the Society of Jesus.

"...to the end that It may more easily separate the various and strange doctrines, as cockle from the wheat of Christian truth, and may more conveniently deliberate and determine, in regard thereof, that which shall seem best adapted to remove scruples from the minds of very many, and to do away with various causes of complaint."

In "The Parable of the Good Samaritan," what happens to the man who is traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho? a. He hears a story about helping others from a Samaritan.
b. He helps a Samaritan who is hurt.
c. He attacks a Samaritan who has done nothing wrong.
d. He is robbed and beaten.


The answer is D. The man who is traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho was robbed and beaten. This parable is about a Jewish traveler, who was beaten to death ans was left along the road, receiving help from a Samaritan, who is known to be an enemy of the Jews. 

What is a savanna? a. a flat expanse of land well-suited to the growth of deciduous forests
b. the wetland at the mouth of a river subject to flooding
c. a landform found in the lowlands surrounding the Atlas Mountains
d. tropical or sub-tropical grassland with few trees


D. a tropical or subtropical grassland with few trees



mark me as the best

How did many southern whites view Reconstruction? a. They felt that Northerners had saved the South from ruin.
b. They hated being occupied and controlled by Northerners.
c. They welcomed Northerners as long lost friends.
d. They saw Northerners as new customers and clients.


The answer would be : B. They hated being occupied and controlled by Northeners

The main goal of the reconstruction is to fix the southern society ( which seemed as damaged states because they were really radical in white supremacy and behind in industrial revolution) , but many southeners viewed it as northerners trying to take control of their land
the answer would be B

which pioneer of the women's suffrage movement was arrested for violating new Yorks voting laws in 1872? a.) lucretia Mott b.) Susan b. Anthony c.) Elizabeth Cady Stanton d.) Carrie Chapman Catt


The correct answer is B) Susan B.  Anthony.

The pioneer of the women's suffrage movement that was arrested for violating new Yorks voting laws in 1872?  was Susan B.  Anthony.

One of the leaders of the women's suffrage movement, Suzan B. Anthony, was arrested for voting in the 1872 elections, in Rochester, New York. It was against the law that women voted. Only men were allowed to vote. Anthony based her decision on the 14th Amendment, and that is what she expressed before the court.

the answer is B. Susan B Anthony. :)