25 pts ASAPSelect the correct text in the passage.

Identify the two verbs in the sentences.

During the monsoon season it rains almost every day in India. Many school children splash around in the water-filled streets.

Pick 2 Answers

A. During
D. Splash
E. Around


Answer 1
D and B is the correct answers

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(B) behaviors animals do without being taught (C)ways animals feel toward humans
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the correct answer is b

The answer is choice B

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sports are mostly physical activities 

(please help me)1. Sonia is adapting the following scene into a sketch for her school’s drama club. Compare her version to the original:


Rory stood pensively before the wall, which towered many dozens of feet high and had, so far as he could tell, no doors, no notches, no features of any kind. How frustrating, and yet, it was certainly a challenge.


(RORY and BELINDA stare up at a wall—it is high enough that its top cannot be seen on stage.)

BELINDA: How many feet high is it, do you think?

RORY: (excitedly) Dozens, I should think! No less than 60.

BELINDA: There must be some kind of door! Or notches, or dents, something to climb . . .

RORY: (gleeful) No, nothing of the sort. No features of any kind—look!

BELINDA (pouting): How tremendously frustrating!

RORY: Ah, but what a delicious challenge!

Which of the following best describes how adding a second character affects the scene?

The second character helps to resolve the conflict.
The second character helps to develop the setting by describing it aloud.
The second character helps develop Rory’s character by acting as a contrast to him.
The second character helps to develop the plot by introducing important background information.

2. Lakshmi’s summer camp is turning the fairy tale “Rapunzel” into a staged drama. Compare the original tale to her adaptation:


How can you dare, said she with an angry look, descend into my garden and steal my rampion like a thief? You shall suffer for it. Ah, answered he, let mercy take the place of justice, I only made up my mind to do it out of necessity. My wife saw your rampion from the window, and felt such a longing for it that she would have died if she had not got some to eat. Then the enchantress allowed her anger to be softened, and said to him, if the case be as you say, I will allow you to take away with you as much rampion as you will, only I make one condition, you must give me the child which your wife will bring into the world.

–Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm, “Rapunzel.” Grimms' Fairy Tales


ENCHANTRESS: (furiously) Stealing the rampion from my garden, right under my nose? How dare you!

MAN: (desperately) Please forgive me! I know I stole from you; but I only did it because I absolutely had to!

ENCHANTRESS: Had to steal? Ridiculous!

MAN: But I did have to! My wife needed the plant so badly that she was dying! I couldn’t just let her die!

ENCHANTRESS: Fine. Take it! Take all of it, see if I care. But in return . . . you’re going to give me your kid.

Which of the following best describes Lakshmi’s adaptation?

The adaptation shortens and revises the dialogue from the original, making the scene less formal.
The adaptation adds an extra conflict that was not in the original, making the scene more terrifying.
The adaptation adds funny dialogue that was not in the original, making the scene more humorous.
The adaptation reverses the characters’ positions from the original, making the scene more dramatic.






I think this because some are having more conflict from the original and the copy bc they are adding more dialoge and extra trouble

Answer: c

Explanation: The second character helps develop Rory’s character by acting as a contrast to him.

Took the test lol. Good luck everyone!
Brainliest maybe?

A synonym is _____.A. a word that means the opposite as another word

B. A word or phrase that gives information about another word

C. a word that means the same as another word


C, because a synonym is a word that means exactly or nearly the same as another word :-))


C is the closest


The actual def. of a synonym is "a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another"

Using the harvard method rewrite the following literary works. A) the title of the book is economics and managament sciences written by MM Byrne in 2010 and published in pretoria at the university of south Africa. B) an article titled"research methods in economics"written by Tom Nunan andSusan Walker in 2014. and published in the journal for economics in volume 2,issue 3. The article is from page 113 to 150


Wow very funny. What elementary university due you attend?