Which scientist was the first to propose the heliocentric model of the universe? A. Aristotle B. Isaac Newton C. Galileo Galilei D. Nicolaus Copernicus


Answer 1

The answer would defiantly be option D "Nicolaus Copernicus." Copernicus was first to purpose the model of the universe, back in 1543 he presented a heliocentric model of the universe, he also made a geocentric model.

Hope this helps!


Answer 2


Option (D)


Heliocentric model was discovered by the great scientist Nicolaus Copernicus.

According to the Heliocentrism theory, the sun is believed to be located at the center of our solar system and earth along with other planets revolves around it in a circular path.

There were certain limitation of this theory. This theory was unable to describe why the stars most of the time exist to be at the same place, inspite of the frequently changing positions of earth as it revolves around the sun.

Thus, the correct answer is option (D).

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B. Precipitation.


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I hope this answers your question.
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hope this helps