Explain why the chromosomes in the haploid cells that are produced by meiosis I look different than those produced by meiosis II.


Answer 1
Answer: In meiosis one, homologous chromosomes only separate resulting in two cells. In meiosis II, the cells divide further, separating sister chromatids and resulting in four cells. So the cells are just even smaller with less chromosomes in each one.
Answer 2


Cells from meiosis II are divided from the cells from meiosis I


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Augstanian Friar was beforr Greogor Mendel

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A. "I can avoid getting sick by not becoming dehydrated and by paying attention to my need to urinate, drink, or eat more than usual


HHNS is a clinical complication of diabetes usually type ii. where the blood sugar levels is exceedingly  high. This  condition is not mark with high concentration of ketone bodies  of the blood.

Due to rapid rise in blood glucose in HHNS mostly in type 2 diabetes, Excess glucose is excreted in the urine, and water follows by osmosis, leading to excess urine production (polyuria). With  loss of body fluids(dehydration set in) and need to take more fluid(polydipsia follows) . Because the body cells lack glucose, due to  the failure of insulin receptors which enable insulin to  facilitate glucose   entry  into cells, hunger sets  in and  excessive urge to eat (polyphagia) occurs.

Therefore, Jomari  need to be conscious of dehydration.By taking enough fluid to stabilize the body fluid balance, and  avoid  intake of too much sugar which will cause polyuria, polydipsia and polypahgia.

Jomari also need to be on the watch if the rate of micturition(urine passage)  is higher than normal or if thirst and hunger rates are excessively high so that  needed medical intervention could be provided.

Is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.


Adolescence is the answer

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