Read the secondary source below. What action might you take to convince others that this is an unreliable source about ancient Greece? Date Published: June 15, 2012 Author: Joseph H. Ancient Greece produced the most successful civilization the world has ever seen. I think its capital city had the largest population of any city in all of world history. Its military probably never lost a single battle, and I bet it conquered nearly all of Europe, Asia, and Africa. I've heard a report that said one in every three books found in American libraries today was first written by the ancient Greeks! A.Explain that articles written in modern times cannot accurately describe ancient history B.Note that the author has not included his last name along with the article C.Criticize the author for relying too heavily on secondary sources D.Point out that the author has not provided citations for any of his claims


Answer 1

D. Point out that the author has not provided citations for any of his claims.

Notice some of the broad, sweeping claims made without support from any cited references:

"I think its capital city had the largest population of any city in all world history." All of world history would include modern cities that have vastly more population than any city in ancient Greece.

"I bet its military conquered nearly all of Europe, Asia, and Africa." That didn't happen -- thus no authoritative sources to cite to prove it did.

"I've heard a report that said" ... What report? Where? Cite the source!

Answer 2
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "D.Point out that the author has not provided citations for any of his claims." The action might you take to convince others that this is an unreliable source about ancient Greece is that D.Point out that the author has not provided citations for any of his claims

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