Why is the position of the eyes of a macaw makes it difficult to judge distance


Answer 1
Answer: The position of the eyes of a Macaw are as follows. Each eye is located on either side of the birds head. This is called Monocular vision, opposed to our eyes which are located in front of our head, adjacent to each other. Mono comes from the Greek root word meaning 'alone'. Making it understandable that, that type of vision is more limited.  The operation of their eyes, view things differently in comparison to that of binocular vision (what we humans have). They have a more broad view but cannot judge distance or depth very well.
Hope this helps! If you have any other questions or would like further explanation just let me know! :)

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What are analogous organs?

Closely resembling organs are the organs that are different physically in structure yet carry out a similar role. They are engaged with concurrent development.

Instances of Closely resembling Organs

Wings of Bats, Birds and Butterflies

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Learn more about analogous organs here:



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i. Gluconic Acid: oxidation at __________, function description letter ____ ii. Glucuronic Acid: oxidation at _________, function description letter ____ iii. Glucaric Acid: oxidation at _________, function description letter ____


Gluconic Acid: oxidation at carbonyl (1st) carbon, function description letter c.
Glucuronic Acid: oxidation at last (6th) carbon, function description letter a.
Glucaric Acid: oxidation at both carbonyl and last carbon, function description letter b.

According to the site of oxidation, sugars are classified into different groups. The name of the sugar suggest which group it belongs:
1. Aldonic acids - carbon is oxidized at carbonyl carbon -  e.g. gluconic acid.
2. Uronic acids - carbon is oxidized at last carbon - e.g. glucuronic acid. 
3. Aldaric acids - carbon is oxidized at both carbonyl and last carbon - e.g. glucaric acid.

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Both proteins and complex carbohydrates are which of the following


 A. Proteins are polymers (many units) of amino acids.

We can arrange the following entities from sizes smallest to largest in: 
Carbon atom. Consider the carbon atom in the periodic table which evidently small in size. Like any other atom such as hydrogen and oxygen.
Monomer. Is a singular molecule that can combine itself with elongated chains and other molecules. And thus form,
3.                                 Polymer. Polymers are made from a complex amalgamation of monomers. 
4.                                 Macromolecule. And thus the macromolecules from the word macro are the biggest component. Which forms the lipid, proteins, RNA enzymes in the cell.

Final answer:

Proteins and complex carbohydrates are part of the four major macromolecular groups and play crucial roles in our body functions and energy provision. They are essential in our diet, assisting in maintaining connective tissue, aiding blood clotting, and providing energy for our bodies.


Proteins and complex carbohydrates are both part of the four major macromolecular groups, which also involve lipids and nucleic acids. These macromolecules are vital to the human diet, providing fuel for the body, and undergo digestion and energy production processes. Carbohydrates can be both complex, like starch and glycogen or simple sugars like glucose and fructose. These sugars are key contributions to ATP production in cells, and glucose specifically, is controlled by a variety of endocrine mechanisms to regulate its presence in the bloodstream. The excess glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and skeletal muscles, or instead transformed into fat in adipocytes.

Proteins along with carbohydrates are also essential in the maintenance of connective tissue and assisting in blood clotting. This prominence of these macromolecules in the diet is why athletes often 'carb-load' before engaging in major competitions, allowing their bodies to possess enough energy to compete at such high levels. Foods like grains, fruits, and vegetables are all natural carbohydrate sources, providing us with the glucose our bodies require. Therefore, proteins and complex carbohydrates showcase inherent essentiality within the human diet, playing significant roles in body function and providing necessary energy for activities.

Learn more about Proteins and Complex Carbohydrates here:



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the organ of hearing and equilibrium in vertebrates, in humans consisting of an external ear that gathers sound vibrations, a middle ear in which the vibrations resonate against the tympanic membrane, and a fluid-filled internal ear that maintains balance and that conducts the tympanic vibrations to the auditory nerve, which transmits them as impulses to the brain.
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