Peristaltic waves are ________.A. segmental regions of the gastrointestinal tract
B. churning movements of the gastrointestinal tract
C. pendular movements of the gastrointestinal tract
D. waves of muscular contractions that propel contents from one point to another


Answer 1


Option (D).


Peristaltic movements are involuntary movement occur due to the longitudinal and circular muscle.Peristaltic waves helps in the passage of food from one point to another during the process of digestion.

Peristaltic waves occur mainly due to muscular contraction. These contractions propel the contents from one location to another. These waves occur in stomach, intestine and esophagus.

Thus, the correct answer is option (D).

Answer 2

Peristaltic waves are waves of muscular contractions that propel contents from one point to another. Therefore, the option is D.

The waves of muscular contractions known as peristaltic waves are responsible for moving materials from one location to another. They are in charge of the transportation of food through the digestive system from beginning to end.

Therefore, peristaltic waves are waves of muscular contractions that propel contents from one point to another

Learn more about peristaltic waves, here:


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A.) increase the concentration of both solutions

Explanation: this is the correct answer

A chicken feed claims to produce more eggs. an experiment is to be conducted to determine whether the feed will lead to a higher egg production. it was determined the type of chickens impact egg production, but the amount of water a chicken drinks does not. how would blocking best be used? (1 point) a by blocking on chicken egg production b by blocking on chicken feed c by blocking on chicken water intake d by blocking on chicken type


Blocking would be best used 'by blocking on chicken type'. This means conducting separate trials for different types of chickens while testing the chicken feed because the type of chicken was determined to impact egg production.

In a scientific experiment where the aim is to conclude whether a certain chicken feed leads to higher egg production, blocking would be used to control the variables that might affect the result of the experiment. According to the information given, chicken's water intake is said to have negligible influence on egg production, however, the type of chicken does impact the production quantities.

Therefore, the ideal way to apply blocking to the experiment would be by differentiating the groups of chickens based on their type; this method is referred to as blocking on chicken type. The implication of this is, testing different chicken feeds on different types of chickens separately to ensure the accuracy of the experiment results by eliminating confounding factors.

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How is the frog skin different from human skin


Frog skin has like slimy stuff on the outside
Frog skin is the way frogs exchange a lot of materials with their environment. It is very permeable. Many frogs don't drink because they can absorb / excrete water through their skin.

Human skin is not easily permeable. It is a barrier that protects us. It can't absorb water. It has sweat pores that excrete water to cool you off. It is continously shedding dead cells and replenishing them with new ones. Melanin darkens your skin to protect from sun exposure. 

Which of these statements BEST defines vestigial organs?a. vital organs that are functional in all organisms of a lineage
b. vital organs that are functional only in alternate generations of a lineage
c. redundant organs present in an organism, which have been functional in the organism’s ancestors
d. redundant organs present in an organism, which will be functional in the succeeding generations of the lineage


The definition of vestigial organs are rudimentary structures in humans that correspond to a functional structure or organ in an ancestor. Basically the answer is redundant organs present in an organism, which have been functional in the organism's ancestors.


The correct answer is c. redundant organs present in an organism, which have been functional in the organism’s ancestors.

Vestigial organ are those which are retained in the evolution however lost their original functions due to change living habits or surroundings of the organisms.

They serve as the evidence of evolution and help in evolutionary studies.

For example, vermiform appendix, nictating membrane of eye, ear muscle etc are vestigial organs found in humans.

Which of the following statements is true?Weathering and erosion are the same process.
Coarse, infertile soil is usually found near the base of a mountain.
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Weathering is the movement of sediment from one location to another.


Correct answer: B). Coarse, infertile soil is usually found near the base of a mountain.

The course, infertile soil is normally found near the base of the mountains. It provides stable bases for the high mountain. It helps to keep the ground firm and it would take a longer time to erode and evolve. These soil are a type of loamy soil. The nature of erosion can affect the composition and structure of these type of soil. Rest all other options are false.

Hence, the correct answer would be option B

the true statement is that coarse, fertile soil is found near the base of a mountain

Which type of traits vary quantitatively due to the interaction of multiple genes?


The answer is polygenic traits.

Polygenic traits are determined by an interaction of multiple genes. As the name suggests, poly (Greek) means many, thus, polygenic means many genes. Many genes interact and together influence some phenotypic trait. Quantitative phenotypes are usually attributed to the polygenic effects.




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