John Locke thought that people were neither good nor bad innately. How did Hobbes’s views differ from those of Locke’s?A) Hobbes thought people were innately violent.
B)Hobbes thought people were innately benevolent.
C)Hobbes thought people were innately peaceful.
D)Hobbes thought people were innately evil.


Answer 1

Answer:  A) Hobbes thought  people were innately violent.

Further explanation:

Both English philosophers believed there is a "social contract" -- that governments are formed by the will of the people.  But their theories on why people want to live under governments were very different.

Thomas Hobbes published his political theory in Leviathan in 1651, following the chaos and destruction of the English Civil War.  He saw human beings as naturally suspicious of one another, in competition with each other, and violent toward one another as a result.  Forming a government meant giving up personal liberty, but gaining security against what would otherwise be a situation of every person at war with every other person.

John Locke published his Two Treatises on Civil Government in 1690, following the mostly peaceful transition of government power that was the Glorious Revolution in England.  Locke believed people are born as blank slates--with no preexisting knowledge or moral leanings.  Experience then guides them to the knowledge and the best form of life, and they choose to form governments to make life and society better.

In teaching the difference between Hobbes and Locke, I've often put it this way.  If society were playground basketball, Hobbes believed you must have a referee who sets and enforces rules, or else the players will eventually get into heated arguments and bloody fights with one another, because people get nasty in competition that way.   Locke believed you could have an enjoyable game of playground basketball without a referee, but a referee makes the game better because then any disputes that come up between players have a fair way of being resolved.    Of course, Hobbes and Locke never actually wrote about basketball -- a game not invented until 1891 in America by James Naismith.  But it's just an illustration I've used to try to show the difference of ideas between Hobbes and Locke.   :-)

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Correct answer:  C. Formation of secret alliances

The other items all fall more into the category of "immediate causes."


Pre-war alliances between European nations were made in secret and elevated diplomatic tensions within those governments.   Or sometimes the fact that alliances were being made was announced publicly -- but the negotiations about the alliances were conducted behind closed doors.  And often the terms of the alliances were kept secret, so that only the parties involved knew the full details.  This business of conspiring and posturing in regard to alliances contributed to an attitude of escalating nervousness and tension as the nations of Europe maneuvered for strength over against their perceived adversaries.  This was a fundamental problem that lay behind the ultimate outbreak of the Great War  (as World War I was called at the time it occurred).

Although Lincoln lost the Senate election to Stephen Douglas, his campaign:led to the repeal of the Dred Scott decision.
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Although Lincoln lost the Senate election to Stephen Douglas, his campaign "helped him win the presidential nomination."

The correct answer is C - "helped him win the presidential nomination".

Altogether, 212 electoral votes were counted in Congress for Abraham Lincoln – more than enough to win the presidency even if all of the states in rebellion had participated and voted against him. Lincoln was highly popular with soldiers and they in turn recommended him to their families back home.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?

Lincoln was seemingly a natural born leader. With his ability to command a room, give a powerful speech and negotiate, he is regarded as one of the best presidents in American history. As a leader, Lincoln was determined to hold together a nation that was falling apart at the seams.

Who was Stephen Douglas?

Stephen A. Douglas was a U.S. politician, leader of the Democratic Party, and orator who espoused the cause of popular sovereignty in relation to the issue of slavery in the territories before the American Civil War (1861-1865).

Hence, option C is correct.

To learn more about Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas here:


It is C because even though he lost, it put him and his idea into the spotlight of politics, which helped him to win the presidential nomination.

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b. False


Simply Put........ True

The answer to the question is true

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Which group is the militant organization founded in 1987 that rivaled the Palestine Liberation Organization and strongly opposed the Oslo Accords?A.)Fatah
C.)Black September


Hamas was founded in 1987, it is militant and opposed the Oslo Accords - so it's the correct answer.

Black September was founded in 1970 - much before (it was the organisation responsible for the attacks at the Olympic Games in Munich.

Fatah was supporting the Palestine Liberation Organisation, not opposing it.




Hamas is a Palestinian organization that declares itself as a jihadist, nationalist and Islamist. Its original objective, defined in its founding charter, was the establishment of an Islamic state in the historic region of Palestine, which would include the current Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with capital in Jerusalem. However, in 2017 he published a new document of principles claiming "the establishment of a completely sovereign and independent State of Palestine, with Jerusalem as the capital, on the borders of June 4, 1967" and emphasizing its nationalist character over of the religious, although he still does not recognize Israel or abandon the armed struggle. Hamas has a number of dependent organizations that carry out their activities in very diverse areas, ranging from cultural and religious assimilation to young people through madrasa, social assistance to Palestinians most in need (and the families of their own members). dead or imprisoned in Israeli prisons), representation in Palestinian political institutions through the Change and Reform list, to the Brigades of Ezzeldin Al-Qassam, the armed wing of Hamas that has been accused of practicing terrorism.

Hamas was founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yasin in 1987, during the course of the first Intifada, issuing its first communique in December 1987. Some of its pioneering groups were "The coaligados of the land of Isra '", and "Islamic Movement of Fight". It was the Sheikh Ahmed Yasin and several followers like Mahmud Al Zahhar and Ábdel Aziz ar-Rantisi who structured and spread the movement in an official way.

Who practiced human sacrifice to appease their war god? A. Aztec B. Maya C. Inca


The one who practiced human sacrifice to appease their war god is the Aztec. Thus the correct answer is A.

What is the elements of Aztecs?

The Aztec civilization is well-known as they constructed magnificent temple pyramids, practiced advanced agricultural methods, and offered sacrifices of humans to their gods.

To satisfy their war deity, the Aztecs performed human sacrifice. Aztec priests used razor-sharp obsidian blades to slice open the chests of sacrificed victims and present their still-beating hearts to the gods. Human sacrifice was taken as a common practice.

The calendars were very helpful because they allowed the Aztecs to undertake specific types of work and accurately position themselves in time and well known among historians.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Aztecs, here:


I think that it is A. Aztec, because I had to basically 'become' an Aztec for a school project, and they had me make a special knife used in human sacrifice. Plus, the Aztecs really liked war, so it would be like them to want to please a war god with humans.