Why would storminess increase in a warming world? What kinds of storms could be affected?


Answer 1
Answer: Generally, storms are primarily driven by the heat of the water vapor condensing into precipitation. Storms are triggered when a cold front, covering near-surface wind destabilizes a mass of humid, warm air and causes it to rise. The air cools and expands as it rises, increasing the humidity until the water vapor condenses into liquid water or ice crystals. The process of converting water vapor into liquid droplets or ice crystals releases latent heat into the atmosphere. Storms feed off of latent heat and this is the main reason why scientists believe that Global warming nourishes and strengthens storms. Atmospheres increasing concentration of greenhouse gasses could lead to more frequent and intense storms. The more heat energy goes in, the more strongly a weather system can churn. 
 Global warming is expected to cause changes in some storms - tropical storm such as typhoon could be stronger.  A study also showed that hurricanes intensify significantly faster now than they did 25 years ago. 

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The media play an important role in shaping the _____, which includes the issues on which the public’s attention is focused.


The correct answer is public agenda

The agenda consists of ideas or events that are found within the masses at a given point in time. The media shapes the agenda through their depiction of ideas or events and usually works as a propaganda tool which for one reason or another tries to influence the public. They focus the attention of the people to several things while ignoring others.
Even though you didn't share any answers to choose, I have one that will definitely help you :
The media play an important role in shaping the Public Agenda  which includes the issues on which the public’s attention is focused.


Was the Treaty of Versailles a just and fair peace treaty or an unjust and unfair one? Was it a good peace treaty for the future or not? Write a three-paragraph essay that answers these questions. The first paragraph should be an introductory paragraph that provides some background information about the treaty. The second paragraph should answer the first question, and the third paragraph should answer the second question. Begin the second and third paragraphs with clear topic sentences and include facts to support your claims. You may want to review the Treaty of Versailles: You Decide activity from this lesson and the subsection titled “Consequences of the Versailles Treaty” on page 681 of the book.


I'll let you work on the first paragraph on your own ...  look up the Paris Peace Conference, which is what led to the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.  As for the second and third paragraphs, I'll offer my own opinion.  But you should do your own research and form your own opinion as well.

In my opinion the Treaty of Versailles was essentially unjust and unfair.  The treaty placed all blame for the cause of the Great War (World War I) on Germany as the leader of the Central Powers.  In reality, as detailed by historian Barbara Tuchman in her Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Guns of August (1962), all the involved nations of Europe contributed to process of creating the war.

The Treaty of Versailles also was not a good peace treaty for the future, because the harsh terms put Germany in a situation that allowed the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, leading to World War II.  In addition to the "war guilt" clause of the treaty (forcing Germany to admit responsibility for causing the war), Germany also was forced to pay large reparation payments to the war's victorious nations.   The German economy and national pride were deeply wounded.  Then the Great Depression hit and made things even worse.  (Germany's depression conditions were even worse than those in America.) The bad situation in Germany made it possible for a radical leader like Hitler, making all sorts of bold promises, to win over enough people to rise to power.  Hitler promised a return to national greatness and fiercely rebuilt Germany as a military machine.  The rise of Hitler and the Nazis brought about World War II in Europe.

I won't write an essay for you, but i can give you some details that may help.
Because of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was put under some harsh conditions that impeded on their plans for the future. Germany was unable to build a military and lots of countries banned imports from Germany. This set them into their own semi-depression. It was a striking blow to Germany's economy and plans for the future.

Cracking down on dissent during World War I was part of what larger governmental goal in the United States?


Cracking down on dissent during World War I was part of the larger governmental goal in the United States of promoting war production domestically, since the US needed to supply a great number of weapons to Europe, as well as troops. 

The larger goal was uniting Americans around the war effort.

Cracking down on dissent would be a negative action in support of the larger, positive goal the government sought. The government wanted a fully united public in support of the war, and so it put out the message that that freedom of speech might have its limits in times of war.  

Before Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, his book Mein Kampf called for


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(B) The removal of all  the Jews.

One of the most significant results of the artistic experimentation of the 1920s and 1930s was thatA) artists learned to adhere to accepted public definitions of reality.
B) photography was no longer considered a legitimate art form.
C) generally accepted standards that distinguished between "good" and "bad" art disappeared.
D) impressionism was recognized as the single best art form.
E) a set of criteria was established that allowed art students to distinguish between "good" and "bad" art.


One of the most significant results of the artistic experimentation of the 1920s and 1930s was that "C) generally accepted standards that distinguished between "good" and "bad" art disappeared," since boundaries were intentionally being "pushed". 

C) generally accepted standards that distinguished between "good" and "bad" art disappeared

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Ziggurates were temples of worship