What did the battle of the coral sea imply about the importance of air power in the pacific


Answer 1
Answer: The battle of coral sea,during ww2 implied that aircraft would provide a large upper hand in "island hopping" giving the United States many strategical islands previously owned by Japan with minimal cost or life to US soldiers. Eventually giving the US and island close enough to mainland Japan to launch two atomic bombs.

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They held the highest public offices.


Hope that helped.

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b. He helps a Samaritan who is hurt.
c. He attacks a Samaritan who has done nothing wrong.
d. He is robbed and beaten.


The answer is D. The man who is traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho was robbed and beaten. This parable is about a Jewish traveler, who was beaten to death ans was left along the road, receiving help from a Samaritan, who is known to be an enemy of the Jews. 

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Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam


Google was some good help, and I KNOW that Christianity is one of the answers, for I am Christian and I believe in reincarnation. So, I credit Google :)

Ten amendments that guaranteed certain freedoms


Fir Amen -

 - freedom of speech

Sec Amendment -

- free of state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

Thrd Amendment -

 - no soldier shall or person/cop shall approach a house without the consent of the owner

4th Amendment -

 - no warrants shall be issued, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched n  the person/thing to be seized

5Th amendment -

- no person should be held to answer for a capital

Sixth Amen -

- n all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an imperial jury of state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed

7Th amendment -

 - the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by jury shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States

8th amendment -

 - Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted

9th Amendment -

 Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage other retained by the people

10th amendment -

 The power not delegated to the United States by Constitution, nor prohibited by it ti the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people .


Which theory was a justification for european imperialism


Social Darwinism argues that each nation and people rises and falls as their culture proves its inherent worth or lack thereof. This is proven and demonstrated by the cultural, political, and military expansion of the dominant societies and weakening and elimination of weaker societies. As a result, as Europe was ascendant, it had the right propagate its culture and remove inadequate cultures. Only the fittest societies should survive and it was deemed natural for superior nations to economically and politically dominate less-advanced nations. This policy of dominating less-advanced nations is imperialism.

How did the views of Marcus Garvey differ from those of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois?. . A. Garvey advocated using legal challenges in courts of law to end racial discrimination.. . B. Garvey advocated black separatism as the best chance for African Americans to prosper.. . C. Garvey believed blacks should receive industrial training so they could accumulate wealth and prove their worth.. . D. Garvey believed demonstrating their ability to create great works of art and literature would allow blacks to advance..


The answer is B. Garvey advocatedblack separatism as the best chance for African Americans to prosper

Marcus Garvey is one of the biggestsupporters of Pan-Africanism. He founded the UniversalNegro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL), where hehad encouraged the global mass movement and economic development to manyAfricans all over the world. They encouraged the Pan-African philosophy, whichis also known as Garveyism

. B. Garvey advocated black separatism as the best chance for African Americans to prosper.