how might the location of the chattahoochee river have contributed to the develpoment of the trade in Georgia?


Answer 1

It allowed Columbus to become a thriving cotton-marketing center with unobstructed river travel to the Gulf of Mexico.

The Appalachian Trail passes the river's uppermost headwaters. From its source in the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Chattahoochee River runs southwesterly to Atlanta and through its neighborhoods. It ultimately turns due-south to form the southern half of the Georgia/Alabama state line. The Chattahoochee River begins in the southeast corner of Union County, Georgia, in the southern Appalachian Mountains and flows southwesterly through the Atlanta metropolitan area before stopping in Lake Seminole, at the Georgia-Florida border. The river runs for a total interval of about 434 miles.

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The second confiscation act



C. Second Confiscation Act


The Second Confiscation Act, passed July 17, 1862, was virtually an emancipation proclamation. It said that slaves of civilian and military Confederate officials “shall be forever free,” but it was enforceable only in areas of the South occupied by the Union Army.

This is correct for Plato/Edmentum too :)

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Answer: Sunni I think


I did some research before and based on what i collected the muslims believed that Sunni was the largest islam there was.




They carry and enforce laws.


People in the executive branch are like the president vice president and the cabinet. They are not allowed to make laws there us a difference from enforcing laws and making laws. They also cant declare war nor interpret  laws.

The executive branch carries out and enforces laws. It includes the president, vice president, the Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and committees.

What are 7 qualities about Moses


Moses was the first great Israelite prophet. He is also one of the greatest leaders in human history. Yet, had God read Moses’ resume before hiring him, God would not have likely been impressed. Moses was born a slave. He has a stutter and a temper. And the only work he did before God called him was caring for his father-in-law’s sheep. Yet, Moses goes on to challenge the world’s most powerful ruler, and lead a people from oppression to freedom. He brings down the Torah and teaches the people the Ten Commandments. He is the protagonist of a story told around the world to this very day.
What made him such an outstanding leader? From one perspective, we might simply say God. God chose Moses. God guided Moses. God stood behind Moses. This is all true. But Moses also knew how to lead. Moses displayed qualities that impressed those who did not believe in the God he represented. In other words, Moses’ leadership displayed universal truths and insights. He can teach people of all faiths.

George Washington is to John Adams, as Thomas Jefferson is to



Arron Burr/ George Clinton


John Adams was Washington's vice president, as Arron Burr/ George Clinton (depending on year) were Thomas Jefferson's vice presidents.

In case I misunderstood the question and you're looking for who Thomas Jefferson was vice president to, the answer would be John Adams.  

Hope this helps!

1. Why were the causes of World War II, and how does each cause connect to the other?



The WWII was caused by the dominant tendencies of Germany with support of Japan and Italy who methodically destroyed the peace agreement of international relations established by the Peace of Versailles.  


  • These tendencies had economic and social backgrounds leading to expansion by imposing their totalitarian system and dictatorship of ‘superhumans’ and depriving other nations of their freedom and independence.
  • Germany’s tendencies were mostly to reclaim what was taken away from it in 1919 and to overpower the Europe, creating a military and economic power being able to rule the world.  
  • Japan wanted to rule Britain, US and Netherlands out of the Far East and Asia (with its great colonial possessions and economic influence and to master himself "with his part of the world"; Italy joined because of ideological closeness and foreign policy clashes with Britain and wanted to rule the Mediterranean and Balkan region.