Tamanend was the chief for which tribe?a. Delaware
b. Algonquian
c. Iroquios
d. Seneca


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is a. Delaware

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The Liberty Bell is a large bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Liberty Bell is made mostly of copper which is a reddish brown metal. The bell is 3 feet (0.9 meter) high and weighs 2,080 pounds (943 kilograms). Today the Liberty Bell can be seen near Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Each Independence Day, the bell is gently tapped with a rubber hammer to honor America's freedom.

It hangs in Independence Hall, Pennsylvania 

What role did John foster Dulles play in Eisenhower administration


Answer:  Secretary of State

Further context/detail:

The office of Secretary of State is the USA's cabinet-level official in charge of foreign relations and foreign policy.  In other countries, a similar position would be called "Minister of Foreign Affairs."

John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State under President Eisenhower.  He held the office from 1953 to 1959.  He wanted a change from what had been the "containment policy" which the US had followed during the Truman Administration, as recommended then by American diplomat George F. Kennan.   Dulles felt the containment approach put the United States in a weak position, because it only was reactive, trying to contain  communist aggression when it occurred.

Dulles sought to push America's policy in a more active direction; some have labeled his approach "brinksmanship."  In an article in LIFE magazine in 1956, Dulles said, "The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art."  He wasn't afraid to threaten massive retaliation against communist enemy countries as a way of intimidating them.

Dulles was Eisenhower's Secretary of State, which is someone who represents the United States to other foreign countries. He advocated an aggressive stance against Communism, and absolutely despised the idea of it. He also advocated for heavy reparations against Germany after World War 1. 

Alex asked the school council whether they wanted to organize a school dance for the week after spring vacation. Which of these answers would encourage more conversation?a. I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it.
b. Sure. Everyone loves dances.
c. No. Everyone hates dances.
d. Maybe, but I’d like to discuss other ideas


When Alex asks the school council regarding the organization of a school dance after the spring vacations, the responses that would encourage more conversation between him and the school council would be,

  1. Sure. Everyone loves dances;
  2. Maybe, but I’d like to discuss other ideas.

What is a conversation?

A conversation refers to exchange of talking sessions between at least two persons, where ideas, feelings, thoughts, or emotions are being exchanged effectively.

A conversation will be promoted when the school council says that they would like to discuss other ideas because it invites more exchange of thoughts and ideas from other people as well.

Hence, options B and D hold true regarding a conversation.

Learn more about a conversation here:




D. maybe, but I'd like to discuss other ideas


If politicians evaluate a domestic policy and grade it as ineffective, what would most likely be the next step? agenda setting budgeting policy adoption problem recognition


If politicians evaluate a domestic policy and grade it as ineffective, the most likely next step would be "problem recognition" since it's important to identify the specific issue. 

What positive and negative impacts did caesar have on rome


During his reign as dictator from 49-44 BC, Julius Caesar had a number of notable impacts on the city of Rome.

One of the initial crises with which Caesar had to deal was widespread debt in Rome, especially after the outbreak of civil war when lenders demanded repayment of loans and real estate values collapsed. The result was a serious shortage of coinage in circulation as people hoarded whatever they had. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Caesar ordered that property must be accepted for repayment at its pre-war value. He also reinstated a previous law which forbade the holding of more than 60,000 sesterces in cash by any one person. Caesar later cancelled all interest payments due since the beginning of 49 BC and permitted tenants to pay no rent for one year. While these measures still did not eliminate Rome’s debt, Caesar’s creative reaction to the problem helped to alleviate the debt in a way that satisfied both lenders and borrowers.

In addition to debt, Caesar had to deal with widespread unemployment in Rome. As a way to reduce the unemployment, the poor were offered a new life in Rome’s overseas colonies. Those who stayed behind and depended on a monthly supply of free grain suffered when Caesar cut the grain rations in half, limiting the number of receivers to 150,000 when 320,000 had been collecting them. Caesar did, however, arrange for better supervision of the city’s grain supply, and he also helped to improve access to grain from overseas by constructing a new harbour at Ostia and a new canal from Tarracina.


The construction of new public buildings also served as a method of reducing unemployment in the city, but there was another motivation for building major projects in Rome: Caesar wanted to enhance the city’s appearance after he realized how unimpressive Rome seemed in comparison to Alexandria, which was considered the greatest city of the Mediterranean. As a result, the Forum Julium was built to provide more space for lawcourts, and the Saepta Julia, situated on the Campus Martius, provided a large enclosure for voting. Caesar also ordered the construction of a new senate house after the previous one was used as Clodius’s funeral pyre in 52 BC. Additionally, he sought to divert the Tiber River away from Rome to prevent flooding and to add to the city’s area. He had also planned to build a grand temple of Mars, a theatre that would rival Pompey’s, and a library that would rival Alexandria’s. Caesar never saw any of the latter projects completed, however, as he was killed in 44 BC before any of them were finished.

Caesar’s impact on the city of Rome continued even after his death when, in his will, he stipulated that his villa, the gardens surrounding it, and his art gallery all be made public. He also distributed his wealth to the people of Rome, leaving 300,000 sesterces to each citizen. Overall, Caesar sought to make Rome a cultural and educational centre of the Mediterranean world by attracting intellectuals, doctors, and lawyers to the city. Indeed, the actions that he took over his time in power showed his devotion to Rome and his wish to bring stability and prosperity to the city.

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Mary T. Boatwright, The Romans (OUP USA, 2004).
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Submitted by Steven Fife, published on 18 January 2012 under the following license: Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.

he makes rome bigger and open the gladiator games for his people for paying taxes to help pay for wars and destroys rome by black death and no food for citaziend and invastion from domstice groups


How did the virginia declaration of rights influence the declaration of independence


because it stated that without the virginia dc it wouldnt have the others in it