Protists that decompose dead organisms like insects are calleda. dinoflagellates.
b. euglenoids.
c. plasmodial slime molds.
d. water molds.
c. It is prokaryotic.
d. It is autotrophic.


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is (d.) water molds.

The water molds are fungal-like protists that thrive on dead organism to decaying matter to decompose. They are usually found in wet environments, nearby fresh water sources, and even in the upper layers of moist soils.

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The human impact on the tundra and the rainforests have been negative to say the least. The destruction of wild habitat and increased pollution due to logging, mining etc have negatively affected the animals living in that region. Deforestation and habitat loss due to farming and oil exploration has increased the pollution level in these regions.

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Blood flow is affected by both blood pressure and vessel resistance. a. True b. False






Final answer:

Blood flow is indeed affected by both blood pressure and vessel resistance. While blood pressure is the force exerted by blood on the vessel walls, vessel resistance is the opposition to flow that blood encounters in vessels. Both factors significantly impact blood flow.


The statement 'Blood flow is affected by both blood pressure and vessel resistance' is true. Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels. The higher your blood pressure, the harder your heart has to work to pump blood. On the other hand, vessel resistance refers to the opposition to flow that the blood encounters in vessels away from the heart. Factors that impact vessel resistance include vessel diameter and blood viscosity. Thus, both blood pressure and vessel resistance play critical roles in affecting blood flow.

Learn more about Blood Flow here:


If you lined up human skin cells side-by-side, how many would fit along the length of the paperclip in the sample problem above? Justify your answer with math.



You did not provide the length of paper clip but i searched this exercise to find the length of the paper clip as So, a small paperclip measures 3.0 cm so i will answer your question according to this length.

The size of a human cell is around  30um and the question is asking that how many would fit along the length of the paper clip measuring 3cm.

                              3 cm = 30000 microns

                                          = 30000/30

                                           = 1000 cells.

So, if we line up 1000 human skins cells side-by-side, they would fit along the length of the paperclip.

Note: If the length of paper clip is different in your excercise like 1 cm etc, simply multiply the 1 with 10000 and divide the resultant value with 30, this way you can get cell number for the length of any clip.

Hope it helps!

Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Vitamin A supplements can sometimes cure nyctalopia because vitamin A can be converted into retinal.
b. Nyctalopia affects vision in the fovea centralis, resulting in impaired vision.
c. Retinitis pigmentosa is a disorder in which the discs released from rods are not properly phagocytized.
d. All of the listed responses are false.


The correct answer is:   [B}:  


         " Nyctalopia affects vision in the fovea centralis, resulting in impaired vision. "


Hope this helps!

Best wishes in your academic pursuits

      — and within the "Brainly" community!


explain the importance of the cytological markers (the translocated segment and the chromosome knob) in the creighton and mcclintock's experiment.



Explanation: Cytological markers such as the translocated segment and the chromosome knob play a crucial role in various biological research and applied sciences. These markers have proven to be invaluable tools for understanding genetic diversity, evolution, and gene mapping in organisms. The translocated segment, which is an exchange of genetic material between nonhomologous chromosomes, can provide insights into evolutionary relationships between species. By studying translocations, scientists can determine how different species are related and how genetic material has been exchanged or rearranged during evolution. On the other hand, the chromosome knob is a distinguishing structure found on certain chromosomes that serves as a reliable cytological marker for gene mapping and breeding programs. It facilitates the identification of specific genes associated with particular traits or diseases through cytogenetic techniques. Moreover, these cytological markers enable researchers to develop breeding strategies that aim at improving crops' yield, disease resistance, or other desirable qualities by precisely transferring particular chromosomal segments or genes identified by the presence of knobs and translocations. Hence, understanding the significance of cytological markers is vital for both basic scientific discoveries and practical applications in agriculture and medicine.