The symbol for gold is
a. AU.
b. G.
c. Go.
d. Au.


Answer 1
Answer: D. Au

Every other answer doesn't represent any element.

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Enter the symbol of a sodium ion, Na+, followed by the formula of a sulfate ion, SO42−. Separate the ions with a comma only—spaces are not allowed.


Answer: Na⁺, SO₄ ²⁻.


This is just a part of a bigger question.

But the instructions are complete to construct the ions.

The first ion requested is the sodium ion.

The symbol of sodium is Na.

When an electron is removed from the neutral atom, the atom wil result with an excess of protons, which translates onto an excess of positive charge.

Then, to show the new particle you must add a positve sign (+) in the form of superscript.

That is why you write Na⁺. By the way, a positive ion is named cation.

Regarding sulfate ion, it comes from the sulfuric acid, when you remove the two hydrogen atoms, each with a positive charge, then the sulfate ion will stand with a negative charge of 2.

The charge is told to belong to the entire ion, not a particular atom, soy you wirte it with the 2- symbol as a superscript for the entire species:

SO₄ ²⁻. A negative ions is called anion.

The answer, then, is: Na⁺, SO₄ ²⁻.

Writing the ion: Na⁺,SO₄²⁻

Further explanation

Ionic compounds consisting of cations (ions +) and anions (ions -)

The naming is preceded by the cation then the anion with the -ide suffix added

Generally for this ion compound consists of metal elements as cations and non-metals as anions

Metal: cation, positively charged.

Nonmetal: negative anion.

The anion cation's charge is crossed



Fe charge = 3+

S charge = 2-

The writing of the ionic charge is placed as a superscript behind the molecule/ atom, and the number is written before the positive or negative sign. For a single charge, there is no need to write the number


Cl⁻ (single charge)

Mg²⁺ not Mg⁺²

For the element Na symbol which is group 1A and releases one electron, the symbol writing would be: Na⁺(single charge)

For polyatomic ions, the superscript charge is written after the subscript on the polyatomic element, so it becomes SO₄²⁻

These two ions when combined and bind to Na₂SO₄ (The anion cation's charge is crossed)

if written separately as Na⁺, SO₄²⁻

Learn more

the chemical formula for each ionic compound.

two functional groups that contain ionic charges

Binary ionic compounds

Keywords: chemical compound, the naming of chemical compounds

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