In a free market society, businesses ask the government to make laws and policies regulating the economy. T/F


Answer 1
Answer: No, this is false, or at least it should be false.

In a free market society, the economic activities should be regulated by the demand and supply relationship: the demand for certain goods and services and their supply.
However, in practice the businesses do ask the government for laws favorable for them: they do this in the form of lobbying.

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Nitrogen is the gas that makes up 78% of Earth's atmosphere. Oxygen makes up 21% of the Earth's atmosphere.

the answer is nitrogen it = 78% of earths atmosphere

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What is the greenhouse effect, and how does it contribute to global warming?



The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's temperature. It occurs when certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere, known as greenhouse gases, trap heat from the sun, preventing it from escaping back into space. This trapped heat warms the planet's surface and maintains a temperature range suitable for life.

Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapor (H2O), and others, act like a blanket around the Earth. They allow sunlight to enter the atmosphere and reach the surface, where it is absorbed and warms the land, oceans, and atmosphere. As the Earth's surface warms up, it radiates heat back towards space in the form of infrared radiation.

However, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb some of this outgoing infrared radiation and re-radiate it in all directions, including back towards the Earth's surface. This process effectively traps heat in the lower atmosphere, warming the planet. This natural greenhouse effect is essential for maintaining a habitable climate on Earth.

The concern arises from human activities that have significantly increased the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), deforestation, and industrial processes. These elevated levels of greenhouse gases enhance the natural greenhouse effect, leading to additional warming of the planet. This phenomenon is often referred to as "enhanced greenhouse effect" or "anthropogenic greenhouse effect."

The enhanced greenhouse effect is a major driver of global warming and climate change. The increasing temperatures have far-reaching consequences, including rising sea levels due to melting glaciers and polar ice, more frequent and intense heatwaves, shifts in weather patterns, disruptions to ecosystems, and other environmental and societal impacts.

Efforts to address global warming and its impacts often involve strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and implement sustainable land use practices.




The **greenhouse effect** is a natural phenomenon that plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's temperature. It refers to the process by which certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere, known as greenhouse gases, trap heat from the sun and prevent it from escaping into space. This trapped heat warms the planet and helps maintain a suitable temperature range for supporting life.

Here's how the greenhouse effect works:

1. **Sunlight Penetration**: Solar energy from the sun reaches the Earth in the form of visible light and other types of electromagnetic radiation. A portion of this energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface, warming it.

2. **Infrared Radiation**: The warmed Earth then emits heat in the form of infrared radiation. This heat radiates upward toward the atmosphere.

3. **Greenhouse Gas Interaction**: Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), water vapor (H2O), and nitrous oxide (N2O), have the property of allowing visible light to pass through but absorbing and re-emitting infrared radiation.

4. **Heat Trapping**: When the Earth emits infrared radiation, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb and re-emit some of this heat energy in all directions, including back toward the Earth's surface. This process effectively traps heat in the lower atmosphere, creating a natural "blanket" that warms the planet.

However, human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, and natural gas) for energy and industrial processes, have significantly increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This enhanced greenhouse effect is contributing to a phenomenon known as **global warming**.

**Contribution to Global Warming:**

1. **Enhanced Heat Trapping:** The increased concentration of greenhouse gases intensifies the greenhouse effect. More heat is trapped in the atmosphere, leading to an overall warming of the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere.

2. **Temperature Rise:** As the planet warms, it causes shifts in climate patterns, such as increased average temperatures, melting of glaciers and polar ice, and rising sea levels.

3. **Climate Change:** The amplified greenhouse effect is responsible for the phenomenon known as global warming, which is a significant aspect of the broader issue of climate change. Changes in temperature patterns can have far-reaching impacts on ecosystems, weather patterns, sea levels, and more.

4. **Negative Consequences:** The consequences of global warming include more frequent and severe heatwaves, altered precipitation patterns, disruptions to ecosystems and biodiversity, shifts in agricultural productivity, and potential risks to human health.

It's important to note that while the greenhouse effect itself is a natural process, the rapid increase in greenhouse gas emissions due to human activities is accelerating global warming and contributing to significant changes in the Earth's climate system. Efforts to mitigate global warming involve reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and adopting sustainable practices.

What are some possible advantages of having only two powerful political parties?


I can think of one advantage: if this party wins, it will have a majority in the parliament and senate, so it will be have more power and would not have to negotiate every voting with the other party in the coalition.

In a multiple party when coalitions , the smaller party in the coalition usually gets proportionately much more power because it can "blackmail" the bigger partner; this often stalls the voting process. 

After Juan wrote down the week's tasks, schoolwork, and after-school activities in his assignment notebook, he highlighted all the entries.Instead of highlighting every entry in his assignment notebook, what should Juan have highlighted?

A. activities for that week only
B. important dates and tasks
C. only after-school activities
D.due dates for all the entries


Answer: The answer is B : important dates and tasks.
