Write in a personal “a” if needed. Then write the sentence in English: 6.) Tienes ___ dos hermanos, ¿no?
7.) ¿Entiendes las palabras (words) de tu profesora? (entender = to understand)
8.) Ellos cuidan a nuestro perro cuando vamos de vacaciones. (cuidar = to take care of)


Answer 1
Answer: 6.) You have two brothers, no?
7.) You understand the words of your professor?
8.) They take care of our dog when we go on vacations.

Related Questions

¿Quién ____ cerca del alumno nuevo?
Los cursos son ______.a. Difcilb. Dificilo
Los invitados llevan ______________a la boda. a. la comida c. los regalos b. la bebida d. las decoraciones
Write sentences with the information provided. Use the preterite and make any necessary changes. 1) yo / llevar / este / reloj / la semana pasada 2) cuando / encontrar / (tu) / ese / corbata? 3)ayer / nosotros / oir / este / musica / en la fiesta 4) Juanjo / venderle / aquel / libros / a Raquel
A. Write the affirmative tú command forms of the following verbs in the space1. correr2. poner3. hacer4. comer5. hablar6. leer7. limpiar8. ver9. cortar10. abrir11. escribir

Complete the sentence with the best choice in Spanish.This is what I do with a pen and paper.



Esto es lo que hago con lápiz y papel.

Quick Help please. Choose the verb that's spelled correctly in the pretentious tense. A. Ieron B. Hacieron C. Fueron Thank you :)


Fueron Las otras ni existen D:

Someone please help !Señorita, ¿qué ____________________ Ud. en la tienda? (buscar)
a. busca c. busco b. buscas d. buscan

A teacher

Verb conjugations in the usted form are the same as...

Your parents friend


D) buscan, looking for, A teacher, ustedes,Verb conjuctions, tu', and your parents friend is usted,hope this was helpful! have a good day!
#1 is  a,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Confused. please help me


first column is ruinas, calendaring azteca and piramides. second column is semaforo, rascasielos, acera

Cuba’s success in medical research and practices is comparable to the general standards of a third-world country


Translation: El éxito de Cuba en la investigación y las prácticas médicas es comparable a los estándares generales de un país del tercer mundo.





Cuba actually has the best health care of all of Latin America and the longest life expectancy too.

I'm always happy to help :)

How do you say I was born in the Philippines in Spanish


I have to make this at least 20 syllables, so here's the answer:

Nací en Filipinas
Yo nací en los filipinos!
Other Questions
1. Which one of the following is not a person? A. Un servidor B. Un rey C. Una reina D. Un arbol 2. Which of the following is the best response to "¿Cómo se siente?" A. Me siento bien. B. ¡Gracias! C. Hasta luego. D. Mañana volveré. 3. Choose the correct definition for bosque. A. shrubbery B. tree C. forest D. stream 4. Translate the phrase: Who likes to sing? A. ¿Les gusta cantar? B. ¿Le gustaba llorar? C. ¿A quién le gusta cantar? D. ¿A quién no le gusta cantar? 5. Which one of the following items can you not eat or drink? A. Un lápiz B. Los dulces C. Una manzana D. Una limonada 6. Choose the correct definition for drum. A. gato B. duque C. perro D. tambor 7. Choose the correct definition for dulce. A. bear B. sweet C. sour D. honey 8. Choose the correct Spanish translation for: To sing pleases him. A. Les gusta la reina B. Le gusta cantar C. Le gusta llorar D. Le gustaba cantar 9. Choose the correct translation of this Spanish phrase: La reina canta mejor que el rey. A. The queen sings better than the king. B. The queen sings worse than the king. C. The king sings better than the queen. D. The king sings worse than the queen. 10. Which of the following choices is not an option to complete this sentence? The friend goes to the _______ and buys a kilo of candies. A. mercado B. comedor C. vendedor D. entonces 11. Complete this statement: Catorce divided by siete equals A. seis. B. dos. C. cuatro. D. tres. 12. You're going to leave, but you're coming back tomorrow. What would you say? A. Ven conmigo mañana. B. Me siento muy bien. C. Pues todo anda bien. D. Mañana volveré. 13. Quince divided by cinco = _______. A. siete B. tres C. trece D. nueve 14. Translate this sentence into Spanish: "He likes to sing." A. Les gusta cantar. B. Le gusta cantar. C. Le gusta tocar. D. Le gusta llorar. 15. Choose the best word to complete this sentence. Maria _______ al mercado. A. dulce B. otra C. prueba D. compra 16. Translate this Spanish phrase into English: El toca peor que la reina. A. He sings better than the queen. B. He plays worse than the queen. C. He plays better than the queen. D. He sings worse than the queen. 17. Choose the correct English translation of this Spanish phrase: No le gusta llorar. A. She likes to sing. B. She likes to cry. C. They do not like to cry. D. She does not like to cry. 18. Choose the correct definition for dieciocho. A. 19 B. 16 C. 28 D. 18 19. Trece – siete = _______. A. cinco B. once C. dos End of exam D. seis 20. Which of the following is a person? A. servidor B. nariz C. chimenea D. árbol