Which of the following hormones is currently thought to decrease plasma calcium levels in pregnant women and children? A) CalcitoninB) Thyroid HormonesC) Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)D) Calcitriol


Answer 1

I'd say it's (A)/ Calcitonin since it actually decreases blood calcium levels by inhibiting stimulating osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and stimulating calcium excertion by the kidneys. I hope this response will help you.

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They are measuring the time that two species have been evolving independently.

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Change over time is referred to asa. mutation.
b. evolution.
c. variation.
d. adaptation.


Of course the answer is
b. evolution

Final answer:

In a biological context, 'change over time' refers to evolution. Evolution is a process by which living organisms have developed and diversified from earlier forms over time. Mutation, variation, and adaptation are components of this process.


The term 'change over time' in biology usually refers to the concept of evolution. Evolution can be defined as the process by which different kinds of living organisms have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of earth. This involves slow changes happening in species over long periods. This could be due to factors like genetic variation, environmental changes, and natural selection.

On the other hand, mutation, variation, and adaptation are components of evolution. A mutation is a change within the DNA of a gene. A variation represents the differences within a species, and adaptation is the process where an organism adjusts to its environment over time for survival.

Learn more about Evolution here:



_____ occurs when offspring arise as a contiguous outgrowth of the parent. Budding


dont quote me on this, but i believe the answer is budding

It's for sure budding- like a  star fish or many plants.

A population of mammals originally lived in a certain area surrounded by land then some of the organisms were taken to an island these two populations remain separated for hundreds of years


They should diverge slightly, though a mere few hundred years is most likely insufficient for reproductive isolation to occur.

siblings have similar traits because they inherit those traits from a common ancestor. how is this similar to some evidence for evolution?


Similarly to the siblings which inherit some traits from mother or father, in the process of evolution, two organisms can have some similar traits because they inherited them from a common ancestor. Similarities seen among related organisms suggest that they have a common ancestor.

Assuming this is a question with 4 different answers...

The answer is B: "Similarities can be seen among related organisms, which shows common ancestry."

Good luck!
