Which statements about the regulation of transcription initiation in these genes are true?1) The fantasin gene will be transcribed at a high level when activators specific for control elements A, B, and C are present in the cell. 2) Both the fantasin gene and the imaginin gene will be transcribed at high levels whenever general transcription factors are present in the cell. 3) The imaginin gene will be transcribed at a high level when repressors specific for the imaginin gene are present in the cell. 4)Control elements C, D, and E are distal control elements for the imaginin gene. 5)The fantasin gene and the imaginin gene have identical enhancers. 6)Control elements A, B, and C are proximal control elements for the fantasin gene 7)Both the fantasin gene and the imaginin gene will be transcribed at high levels when activators specific for control elements A, B, C, D, and E are present in the cell.


Answer 1
Answer: a and c are the elements
Answer 2

Final answer:

Statement 1 is true, Statement 2 is false, Statement 3 is false


1) Statement 1 is true. The fantasin gene will be transcribed at a high level when activators specific for control elements A, B, and C are present in the cell. These activators bind to the control elements and enhance the transcription of the fantasin gene.

2) Statement 2 is false. While general transcription factors are necessary for transcription in general, the specific control elements for each gene determine the level of transcription. So, the presence of general transcription factors alone does not guarantee high levels of transcription for the fantasin and imaginin genes.

3) Statement 3 is false. The imaginin gene will not be transcribed at a high level when repressors specific for the imaginin gene are present in the cell. Repressors bind to control elements and inhibit transcription, leading to reduced levels of transcription for the imaginin gene.

Learn more about regulation of transcription initiation here:



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mRNA synthesis


B. Translation

Translation is the process whereby Messenger RNA is decoded in a ribosome and uses its information to build chain of amino acids or polypeptide. Furthermore, specific amino acids that are carried by tRNAs are chain together into a polypeptide as the mRNA passes through ribosome. However, there are three stages or phases in translation which includes: Initiation, Elongation and Termination.


The correct answer would be translation.

Translation is the process by which nucleotide sequence of mRNA (messenger ribonuceic acid) is converted into the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide chain.

Ribosome serves as the site of translation in a cell.

The process of translation can be divided into three phases:

Initiation: The small and large sub-units of the ribosome sandwiched the mRNA around the start codon and provide the sites (A, P, and E site) for tRNA (transfer RNA)-mRNA interaction.

Elongation: The charged tRNA (tRNA carrying amino acid) enters at the A site. The anti-codon site present in tRNA helps in decoding the codon sequence present in mRNA.

The tRNA then adds specific amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain in P site. It then leaves from E site.

The ribosome then moves (translocates) to the next codon and the cycle repeats itself and add amino acid to the polypeptide chain.

Termination: As soon as ribosome reaches the stop codon it releases the polypeptide chain and dissociates from the mRNA.

The polypeptide chain then undergoes post-translation changes to mature into functional protein.

As the human population grows, what happens to our natural-resource requirements?a.They increase.
b.They decrease.
c.They do not change.
d.They go in cycles.


As the human population grow, the natural resource requirements INCREASES. The correct option is A. 
More than ever before, the number of people that are living on the earth has increased tremendously and this has put a great pressure on the basic materials that are needed by humans, one of these is natural resources.
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The correct answer is A) They increase

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In humans, the placenta is essential to the embryo for RESPIRATION, NUTRITION AND EXCRETION.
The placenta refers to an organ in the uterus of pregnant mammals that is responsible for nourishing and maintaining the unborn baby through the umbilical cord. Th placenta has many functions but primarily it plays critical roles in the nutrition, respiration and excretion of the fetus. Its other functions include: production of hormones, production of immunity for the fetus for prevention from infections, etc. 
The placenta is essential to an embryo in a human for nutrition, excretion, and reproduction. The placenta is where the embryo gets all of its nutrition from. The embryo relies on the placenta for everything to make it live and grow. 

Fruit flies are eukaryotic organisms. Describe how the genetic material of a fruit fly is stored in its cells.


The genetic material of a fruit fly, like all eukaryotic organisms, is stored in the cell nucleus. Here's how it is organized:

1. **Nucleus:** The nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle within the cell where the genetic material is located. It is surrounded by a nuclear envelope, which consists of two membranes, and has pores that control the passage of molecules in and out.

2. **Chromosomes:** Inside the nucleus, the genetic material is organized into structures called chromosomes. In fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), they typically have four pairs of chromosomes, totaling eight chromosomes. These chromosomes contain the DNA molecules that carry the genes.

3. **DNA:** DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the molecule that makes up the genetic material. It has a double-helix structure and consists of nucleotide units. Genes, which are specific sequences of DNA, encode the instructions for building and maintaining the organism.

4. **Histones:** DNA in the nucleus is wrapped around proteins called histones. This complex of DNA and histones is called chromatin. Histones help in packaging and organizing the long DNA strands within the limited space of the nucleus.

5. **Nucleolus:** Within the nucleus, there is a region called the nucleolus where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is synthesized and ribosome assembly begins. Ribosomes are essential for protein synthesis.

6. **Mitochondria and Chloroplasts:** While most of the genetic material is in the nucleus, eukaryotic cells also have DNA in other organelles. Mitochondria (in animal cells) and chloroplasts (in plant cells) have their own small genomes, a remnant from their evolutionary origins as independent organisms.

In summary, the genetic material of a fruit fly is stored in the form of DNA, organized into chromosomes within the nucleus of its eukaryotic cells. This DNA contains the instructions for the fly's development, growth, and functioning.

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An octagon has 8 sides

The minimum degree of rotation would be achieved in an octagon will all sides and angles equal, and this rotation would then be 360/8=34 Degrees