What are 3 figurative language's in the poem "on the grasshopper and the cricket"by john keats


Answer 1
Answer: Personification: "...a voice will run"

Parallelism: "The poetry of earth is never dead" & "The poetry of earth is ceasing never"

Alliteration: "...new-mown mead;"
Answer 2
Answer: Simile, ballad and rhyme.
I hope this helps you.

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Because it is typed out / written the correct answer is D

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Choose one answer.
a. enlarged
b. conquered
c. angered
d. ignored


Vanquished means to be conquered or defeated, so it is B.

Hope I Helped You!!! :-)

Have A Good Day!!!
Vanquished best fits the word conquered which is choice B. They both have similar meanings because they are synonyms.

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*When do you eat your breakfast? (change into passive voice0*Where does she keep her money? (change into passive voice)
*What do you see?(change into passive voice)
*Which pen do you like?(change into passive voice)
*He is driving a car.(change into passive voice)
*Why are you abusing him?(change into passive voice)
*Who is singing a song?(change into passive voice)
*What are they doing?(change into passive voice)
*I have kept my promise.(change into passive voice)
*Have you taken medicine?(change into passive voice)
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*the cat drank all the milk.(change into passive voice)


You want 14 answers in return for 7 points ...
a generous offer of 1/2 point per answer.

Tell you what I'll do:  This site offers homework 'help', not an
easy supply of answers.  I'll answer the first 7, and that should
be enough help for you to answer the last 7 on your own. 

When do you eat your breakfast?    When is your breakfast eaten (by you) ?
Where does she keep her money?    Where is her money kept (by her) ?
What do you see?                              What is seen (by you) ?
Which pen do you like?                     Which pen is liked (by you) ?
He is driving a car.                             A car is being driven by him.
Why are you abusing him?                Why is he being abused by you ?
Who is singing a song?                     By whom is a song being sung ?

Take it !

when will breakfast be eaten by you?
where will money be kept by her?
what will be seen by her?
which pen will be liked by her?
a car is being driven by him?
why is he being abused by you?
a song is being sung by whom?
what is being done by them?
he/she has kept his/her promise
has medicine been taken by her?
this letter has been torn by whom?
what has been done by him?
why that watch has been wound by her?
all the milk has been drunken by the cat.

I want to write a story this holiday, a sad one and touching one but i don't know how to start the story. Any suggestions?


In writing a story, you need to have a topic or the theme of the story you want to write. In this case, you are already set to write a sad and touching story. The next thing you are going to do is to choose what exact sad story are you going to write on. Is it a family sad story, couple sad story or anything else. If you have a choice, conceptualize the elements of the story, the characters, the settings and the plot. Make sure to create a concrete character of the protagonist and the antagonist in the story. If you already have enough of this ideas, you may start writing your story.