Sebutkan budaya Jawa Timur yang pernah tampil di tingkat International!


Answer 1
Answer: Budaya Indonesia telah dibentuk oleh interaksi panjang antara kebiasaan pribumi asli dan beberapa pengaruh asing. Indonesia terletak di pusat-terletak di sepanjang rute perdagangan kuno antara Timur Jauh, Asia Selatan dan Timur Tengah, sehingga praktek-praktek budaya banyak yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh banyak agama, termasuk Hindu, Buddha, Konghucu, Islam dan Kristen, semua yang kuat di kota perdagangan utama. Hasilnya adalah campuran budaya kompleks yang sangat berbeda dari budaya cultures.The adat asli Indonesia telah dibentuk oleh interaksi panjang antara kebiasaan pribumi asli dan beberapa pengaruh asing. Indonesia terletak di pusat-terletak di sepanjang rute perdagangan kuno antara Timur Jauh, Asia Selatan dan Timur Tengah, sehingga praktek-praktek budaya banyak yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh banyak agama, termasuk Hindu, Buddha, Konghucu, Islam dan Kristen, semua yang kuat di kota perdagangan utama. Hasilnya adalah campuran budaya kompleks yang sangat berbeda dari budaya asli asli. Contoh fusi budaya termasuk fusi Islam dengan Hindu di Jawa Abangan keyakinan, fusi Hindu, Buddha dan animisme di Bodha, dan fusi Hindu dan animisme di Kaharingan; yang lain bisa diambil. tarian Bali memiliki cerita tentang kerajaan Budha dan Hindu kuno, sedangkan bentuk seni dan arsitektur Islam yang hadir di Sumatera, terutama di daerah Minangkabau dan Aceh. kesenian tradisional, musik dan olahraga digabungkan dalam bentuk seni bela diri yang disebut Pencak Silat. budaya barat telah sangat mempengaruhi Indonesia dalam ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan hiburan modern seperti acara televisi, film dan musik, serta sistem politik dan isu-isu. India telah terutama dipengaruhi lagu dan film Indonesia. Jenis populer dari lagu adalah dangdut India ritmis, yang sering dicampur dengan musik rakyat Arab dan Melayu. Meskipun pengaruh budaya asing, beberapa daerah terpencil Indonesia masih melestarikan budaya unik adat. kelompok etnis pribumi Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja dan banyak orang lain yang masih berlatih ritual etnis, adat istiadat dan mengenakan pakaian tradisional.

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C. People have governments to protect their rights

well if u have known about the democracy..the hint is FUBU which is for the people by the people so that meansit would be c.people have government to protect their rights. and government is something to do with people and voting..just like republic does.and the only one that talks about government is C.

im 12 I knew this in 5 grade and is almost going to skipped 6 grades

Define the following words.


Good luck! Hope you do well I’m here to cheer you on!


bureaucracy-Bureaucracy refers to both a body of non-elected government officials and an administrative policy-making group.

merit system- is the process of promoting and hiring government employees based on their ability to perform a job, rather than on their political connections. It is the opposite of the spoils system.

money economy-unit that functions as a generally recognised medium of exchange for transaction purposes in an economy. Money provides the service of reducing transaction cost, namely the double coincidence of wants.

scholar-official-Scholar-officials, also known as Literati, Scholar-gentlemen or Scholar-bureaucrats were politicians and government officials appointed by the emperor of China to perform day-to-day political duties from the Han dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty in 1912, China's last imperial dynasty.

silk road-The Silk Road was a network of trade routes which connected the East and West, and was central to the economic, cultural, political, and religious interactions between these regions from the 2nd century BCE to the 18th century

urbanisation-Urbanization refers to the population shift from rural areas to urban areas, the decrease in the proportion of people living in rural areas, and the ways in which each society adapts to this change.

Urbanisation is the increase in the proportion of people living in towns and cities. Urbanisation occurs because people move from rural areas (countryside) to urban areas (towns and cities).

- i hope this has helped!!

How do you feel when you are equipped to deal with Issues of prejudice,discrimination and bias In your own life ?



I feel angry and agitated.


When people discriminate against another's race or gender, etc. it hurts the person, even if it only hurts them a little or they try to hide it, deep down the feel sad and or angry with the person, which can lead to them doing stupid things, etc. if someone keeps receiving these hateful comments it might lead them into major insecurity and depression, they might want to change themselves to be better for the other people.


I feel angry and agitated.


When people discriminate against another's race or gender, etc. it hurts the person, even if it only hurts them a little or they try to hide it, deep down the feel sad and or angry with the person, which can lead to them doing stupid things, etc. if someone keeps receiving these hateful comments it might lead them into major insecurity and depression, they might want to change themselves to be better for the other people.