Who wrote "A Call for Unity"?Question 2 options:

The City Council of Birmingham

Ministers of Birmingham

Racist Senators from Washington D.C.


Answer 1
Answer: It was written by local white clergymen. I hope this helps

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In order to have a successful interview experience you must


In order to have a successful interview experience, you must:

Select the best answer choice.


know yourself


dress well


be punctual


all choices are correct

The correct answer is D. All choices are correct

_______________ is a technique that transfers an actor’s motions into a computerized character using a tight suit covered with tiny sensors called markers that read and record each movement, and those recordings are put together to create a realistic computerized image.a. Go motion
c. Rotoscoping
b. Compositing
d. Motion capture


D.Motion capture is a technique that transfers an actor's motions into a computerized character using a tight suit covered with tiny sensors called markers that read and record each movement, and those recordings are put together to create a realistic computerized image.

♡♡Hope I helped!!! :)♡♡

The technique that transfers an actor’s motions into a computerized character using a tight suit covered with tiny sensors is D. Motion capture.

What is motion capture?

It should be noted that motion capture simply uses technologies to move objects, animals, people, etc.

In this case, motion capture is the technique that transfers an actor’s motions into a computerized character using a tight suit covered with tiny sensors called markers that read and record each movement, and those recordings are put together to create a realistic computerized image.

Learn more about motion capture on:


Which words in the sentence make up the participial phrase? The bus driver, taking a break, stopped by the diner for lunch.
a. the bus driver
b. for lunch
c. stopped by the diner
d. taking a break


The participial phrase is the phrase with the participle, which is a verbal form that can function as an adjective, for example "reading" in " the reading girl".

Here it's "taking" as in Taking a break: the correct answer is d.

Select all that applyA dynamic character _____.
undergoes changes within the actions of the novel
undergoes no change
undergoes changes that are shown with the consequences



A dynamic character undergoes changes within the actions of the novel and undergoes changes that are shown with the consequences


Dynamic characters are a type of character that has experiences through the story that lead them to have a change in personality, attitude, a point of view, maturity or behavior, which are the consequences of those experiences and conflicts they underwent. Another characteristic is that these changes don't tend to be described outright, but the reader can notice them as the story progresses.

One example of this type of characters are Scout and Jem in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, as they start out the novel as kids who saw "Boo Radley" as a terrible, mysterious and gruesome phantom, but because of all they went through, they gained a more mature insight on things, and ended up seeing him as a real human being, who was only afraid of going out of his house.

The first and the last one ^_^ dynamic character means they change throughout the book/novel; static is they stay the samd

Which of the study topics below would use APA formatting? A. Spanish B. Literary Criticism C. Nursing D. Cultural Studies


C. Nursing

APA Style Governed by the American Psychological Association APA style is typically reserved for writers and students preparing writing projects in any of the social sciences, including psychology, linguistics, sociology, economics, and criminology. This style is also used in writing for education, business, and nursing.

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i beileve its c but im not sure i hope im right
Other Questions
In line 8, “theirs” refers to(A) innumerable cigarettes(B) a laburnum’s blossoms(C) a laburnum’s branches(D) Persian saddle-bags(E) birds’ shadowsPassage 7. Oscar Wilde, Th e Picture of Dorian GrayTh e studio was fi lled with the rich odour of roses, and when the light summerwind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door theheavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-fl owering thorn.From the corner of the divan of Persian saddle-bags on which he was lying,smoking, as was his custom, innumerable cigarettes, Lord Henry Wotton couldjust catch the gleam of the honey-sweet and honey-coloured blossoms of a laburnum,whose tremulous branches seemed hardly able to bear the burden of a beautyso fl amelike as theirs; and now and then the fantastic shadows of birds in fl ightfl itted across the long tussore-silk curtains that were stretched in front of the hugewindow, producing a kind of momentary Japanese eff ect, and making him thinkof those pallid, jade-faced painters of Tokyo who, through the medium of an artthat is necessarily immobile, seek to convey the sense of swiftness and motion. Th esullen murmur of the bees shouldering their way through the long unmown grass,or circling with monotonous insistence round the dusty gilt horns of the stragglingwoodbine, seemed to make the stillness more oppressive. Th e dim roar of Londonwas like the bourdon note of a distant organ. In the centre of the room, clampedto an upright easel, stood the full-length portrait of a young man of extraordinarypersonal beauty, and in front of it, some little distance away, was sitting the artisthimself, Basil Hallward, whose sudden disappearance some years ago caused, at thetime, such public excitement and gave rise to so many strange conjectures.As the painter looked at the gracious and comely form he had so skillfullymirrored in his art, a smile of pleasure passed across his face, and seemed aboutto linger there. But he suddenly started up, and closing his eyes, placed his fi ngersupon the lids, as though he sought to imprison within his brain some curiousdream from which he feared he might awake. “It is your best work, Basil, the bestthing you have ever done,” said Lord Henry languidly. “You must certainly sendit next year to the Grosvenor. Th e Academy is too large and too vulgar. WheneverI have gone there, there have been either so many people that I have not been ableto see the pictures, which was dreadful, or so many pictures that I have not beenable to see the people, which was worse. Th e Grosvenor is really the only place.”“I don’t think I shall send it anywhere,” he answered, tossing his head back in thatodd way that used to make his friends laugh at him at Oxford. “No, I won’t sendit anywhere.” Lord Henry elevated his eyebrows and looked at him in amazementthrough the thin blue wreaths of smoke that curled up in such fanciful whorls fromhis heavy, opium-tainted cigarette. “Not send it anywhere? My dear fellow, why?Have you any reason? What odd chaps you painters are! You do anything in theworld to gain a reputation. As soon as you have one, you seem to want to throwit away. It is silly of you, for there is only one thing in the world worse than beingtalked about, and that is not being talked about. A portrait like this would set youfar above all the young men in England, and make the old men quite jealous, if oldmen are ever capable of any emotion.”