When answering multiple-choice question,it’s important to read every response before making a choice because


Answer 1

you want to get the right answer. The questions might also sound like the right answer but it is in fact not. Also, you always want the BEST answer, and to get the best answer you MUST read every choice.

Answer 2

Hi there..here's my opinion:

When answering a multiple-choice question, it's important to read every response before making a choice because, you'll have to go through every answer option and see which one is correct...for example:

                                             2 + ? = 19                 |    You'll add 2 + 14 = 16

                                      A. 14            C. 11               |  You'll add 2 + 11 = 13

                                      B. 18            D. 17               |   You'll add 2 + 18 = 20

                                                                               | Then, you'll add 2 + 17 = 19

Since you've went through every answer choice, you found that 2 + 17 = 19. Hope this helped!

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Given the fact that the only preposition in this sentence is 'around', the correct answer is definitely C. 'Around' is the preposition, and 'boat' is the object of the preposition, that is, the noun that follows the preposition. 

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Hello there.

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Answer with Explanation:

Following are the correct answers:

1. You mustn't touch those animals. They're dangerous.

Reason: As the animals might harm it is important that the person doesn't touch them. Hence mustn't is used.

2. We have to take the bus to school. It's too far to walk.

Reason: As the distance is very large. The author says that they should take the base. Hence, have to is used.

3. The concert is free. Youdon't have to pay.

Reason: The author implies that the concert is free hence no fees is needed. Thus don't have to is used.

4. It's late. I have to go now.

Reason: Author says that he has to go because it is getting late. Hence have to is used.

5. You mustn't leave the door open - the cats will come in.

Reason: Writer is warning to not open the door. Therefore, mustn't is used.

6. You don't have tocome if you don't want to. I can go on my own.

Reason: Author tells his/her friend to not come if they don't want to. Hence, don't have to is used.

7. In Britain you have to drive on the left.

Reason: Author informs about left side driving in Britain. Hence, have to is used.

8. You don't have to be very tall to play football.

Reason: Writer suggests that tall height is not necessary to play football. Thus, don't have to is used.


1. You mustn't touch those animals. They're dangerous.

2.  We have to take the bus to school. It's too far to walk.

3. The concert is free. You don't have to pay

4. It's late now, I have to go now.

5. You mustn't leave the door open - the cats will come in.

6.  You don't have to come if you don't want to. I can go on my own.

7.  In Britain you have to drive on the left.

8. You don't have to be very tall to play football.



What is the author's viewpoint in "Citizen Journalism"?Select the two correct answers.

Citizen journalists report news that might otherwise be ignored.

There is no system that checks the accuracy of the citizen reports.

Social media has created a movement that has changed the journalism industry.

There doesn't need to be any oversight of content by citizen journalists. URGENT HELP



A and B


i took the test