Which of the following was the most important cause of urban decay during the post-war years?A. Antiquated sewage facilities

B. The movement of population to the suburbs

C. The U.S. economic decline of the 1950s

D. Corruption in city governments


Answer 1

Your answer would be B

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Franz was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in the group the black hand

Franz was the heir to the Austria-Hungary throne

Serbian nationalists wanted an independent Serbia, that's why he was assassinated

What challenges did the Byzantine Empire face from foreign forces?


Answer:   Slavs and Avars

In 550 CE, a group of barbarian invaders from eastern Europe named the Slavs began to raid the Balkan territory of the Byzantine Empire. To turn back these raids, the Byzantines arranged for another barbarian group, the Avars, to attack the Slavs.

These barbarian tribes were often at war with each other over territory and power. The Byzantines hoped to take advantage of this. The Avars lived in the Caucasus region and were related to the Huns. The Byzantines hoped that the Slavs would be too busy fighting the Avars to raid the Balkans. However, this plan backfired horribly.

 Avars and Sassanids

Not only was the Byzantine army fighting the Avars mutiny, rebels in Constantinople also rioted and killed the emperor. Shortly afterwards, the new emperor was also killed by a competitor for the throne, Heraclius.


After five years of peace, a new enemy threatened the empire. The Arabs managed to defeat Byzantine armies in Syria and Palestine, and after Heraclius died, they took control of Egypt.

Arab armies swept across Persia and Byzantine territories in North Africa and East Asia. They then turned their attention toward capturing Constantinople.

The Arabs attacked the city twice, in 674 CE and in 717 CE, and were defeated both times. The Byzantines were greatly aided by a weapon called Greek Fire. This weapon spewed fire at attacking ships, causing them to burst into flames.


In the early 600s, the Bulgar people united to form a powerful kingdom that stretched along the Danube in the Balkans. This group mixed with the Slavic people.

The Bulgarian Kingdom attacked the Byzantine Empire several times, which caused the Byzantine emperor to lead an army against them in 811 CE. The Bulgars crushed the Byzantine troops, killed the emperor, and two years later, attacked Constantinople.

Which of the following statements was an obstacle to the construction of the Panama Canal?


Final answer:

The construction of the Panama Canal was hindered by health risks like malaria and yellow fever, logistical challenges in infrastructure development, and political obstacles, including public outrage in Colombia over a proposed lease on the land across the Panama isthmus.


The construction of the Panama Canal faced a multitude of obstacles. Prior French attempts at construction between 1881 and 1894 were confronted by financial crises and health hazards, particularly malaria and yellow fever, which led to the deaths of thousands of workers. When the US took over the project, they had to undertake extensive work to create adequate housing, cafeterias, and other infrastructure elements that the French had overlooked. Also, the introduction of fumigation systems and mosquito nets to combat malaria and yellow fever helped to reduce the death rate among construction workers.

Another major obstacle was political. The original negotiations for the land across the Panama isthmus, which was a part of Colombia at the start of the 20th century, were fraught with difficulties. The US tried to pressure Colombia into agreeing to a lease on the land by offering $10 million and an annual rental fee, but this was seen by Colombians as grossly inadequate and sparked public outrage, leading to the Colombian Senate's rejection of the deal.

In response, President Roosevelt supported a Panamanian revolution against Colombia, effectively securing the land needed for the construction of the Panama Canal. Although the canal was finally opened in 1914, these health, logistical, and political challenges posed significant obstacles during its construction.

Learn more about Panama Canal construction here:



One of the obstackes was sickness.Malaria and yellow,spread by mosquito bites,Killed more than 22,000 workers before 1889

Which river was NOT part of the Louisiana purchase?A. Missouri river
B. Arkansas river
C. Ohio river
D. Mississippi river



Your answer is C. the Ohio river


This is because the Louisiana purchase was most of the mid section of the United states, going left from the Mississippi river.


Your answer is C. the Ohio river


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