Which component of the plasma membrane contains a hydrophobic region and acts as the primary barrier to most foreign substance A) phospholipid

B) cholesterol

C) protein

D) carbohydrate chain


Answer 1

the correct answer is option A

Phospholipids structure consists of two parts –

a) Hydrophillic Head

b) Hydrophobic tail  

The phospholipids are arranged in two parallel layers thereby forming by the phospholipid bilayer. It is the part of cell membrane and arranges them in a way that their hydrophilic heads face towards the outwards direction and the hydrophobic tails face each other. The hydrophobic tails opposes the transfer of fluid movement specially the water and the fatty acid head containing negative phosphate group opposes the movement of charged ions. They allow transfer of material  under specific circumstances.

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b. prevent global warming
c. allow too much heat to escape


A. Trap heat

The suns radiation is absorbed by the earth's surface. It is then re-emitted as Infrared radiation and travels to the atmosphere. Here, it is absorbed by the bonds in GHGs, causing the warming of the atmosphere, and overall, global warming. This effect, in the past, was usually incorporated into cycles such as the water and carbon cycles, and didn't really have a big effect on the atmosphere but now, due to the increased concentration of these GHGs from human emissions, global warming is a very real problem.


The answer is A. trap heat Hopefully this helps!

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Most of this oxygen comes from tiny ocean plants – called phytoplankton – that live near the water's surface and drift with the currents. Like all plants, they photosynthesize – that is, they use sunlight and carbon dioxide to make food. A byproduct of photosynthesis is oxygen.

I need the anwser plsekce



Tertiary Consumers


they eat fish who are secondary consumers

who eat zooplankton who are primary consumers

who eat phytoplankton which are producers

Please help

Thank you


1st change she can make exercise going to the gym lots of running. 2nd change better food choices grains, fruits, fish,chicken,vegetables.